Marketing Department Presented Awards to Top 2 Graduating Seniors

The Department of Marketing honored its top graduating senior in two specializations – marketing and sales and services marketing. The criteria to be selected by the faculty included overall GPA, involvement in student organizations as well as internship experience. The two winners were Kelsey Music (left) in marketing and Jane Swartz (right) in sales and services marketing. Dr. Bob Wu, retired chair, presented their awards at a reception last spring.
Music was a College of Business Student Ambassador and had leadership roles in the professional business fraternity Delta Sigma Pi, along with membership in the National Society of Leadership and Success. She participated in internships at Imagination Station in Toledo, the Findlay-Hancock County Community Foundation, and The Horsburgh & Scott Co. Music also spent two years on the Executive Board for Colleges Against Cancer serving as the marketing/PR chair.
Besides a sales and services marketing specialization, Swartz specialized in supply chain management. She interned with Dana, Enterprise and Lakeside Product Distribution and had leadership roles in BGSU student organizations, including Women in Business Leadership, Delta Sigma Pi and American Marketing Association. Swartz was a finalist in the 2013 BGSU Sales Competition and participated in the 2014 Great Northwoods Sales Competition at the University of Wisconsin Eau-Claire where she finished tenth out of 60 students.
Updated: 12/01/2017 11:00PM