Cynthia Edwards

- Bowling Green State University, 2021
- Ed.D. Leadership Studies
- Dissertation: Experiences of Teacher Educators Using Technology in Teacher Preparation Programs
- Ed.D. Leadership Studies
- Bowling Green State University, 2015
- M.Ed. Classroom Technology
- Certificate: K-12 Online Learning
- Endorsement: Computer Technology
- M.Ed. Classroom Technology
- Bob Jones University, 1983
- B.S. Business Management
- Minor: German
- B.S. Business Management
Research Work
- Research Assistant: (2019-2021) Project Impact at Bowling Green State University through the Teacher Quality Partnership Grant-U.S. Department of Education; Technology Integration Committee-Development of Teacher Candidate Micro-credentialing Program; UDL Committee-Lesson plan coding based on UDL guidelines, data compilation
- Research Assistant: (2018-2021) Bowling Green State University-Student Perceptions of Program Effectiveness in the Bowling Green State University Education Workforce and Development Alternative Resident Educator Licensure Program
- Research Assistant: (2014) Bowling Green State University-Development of an online professional development program in technology in education. Masters Research Project: (2015) Bowling Green State University- “Barriers to Education Technology and the Impact on Student Learning”
- Teacher Professional Development: (Summer 2020) Assessment for 21st Century Learning; Online webinars held through BGSU Project Impact’s local school partners
- Google Forms and Google in the Elementary Classroom Presentations: (June 2017-2018) CREATE! Technology Conference
- Teacher Professional Development: (Summer 2017) RenWeb1 Student Management System, Office Basics, Google Basics, Google Suite I and II, SmartBoard/Interactive Projectors, BrainPop; Emmanuel Christian School
- Teacher Professional Development: (Summer 2016) Office Basics, Google Suite, SmartBoards/Interactive Projectors, BrainPop, Google Classroom/Chromebooks, Flipped Classrooms, iPads in Education; Emmanuel Christian School
- Google Forms and Hands-on Tech Projects for Middle School General Music Presentations: (Summer 2016) CREATE! Technology Conference
- Are High School Students Prepared with Basic Technology Skills They Need for College? Co-Presentation: (February 2014) Etech Conference (now Ohio Educational Technology Conference)
- Teacher In-Service: (August 2014) Technology Professional Development (6 hours); Emmanuel Christian School
- Hands-on Projects for the Middle School General Music Classroom: (December 2013) Ohio Music Educators’ Association Triad Magazine
- Teacher Professional Development: (2012-2013) “Tech Time” Technology snippets presented during weekly teachers’ meeting; Emmanuel Christian School
- Teacher Professional Development: (Summer 2013) Google Docs, Blogs, Personal Learning Networks; Emmanuel Christian School
- SmartBoards in the Music Classroom Presentation: (2009-2013) Ohio Music Education Association Professional Development
Conference/Technology In Music Education Regional Conference - Teacher Professional Development: (Summer 2010-2012) Microsoft Office, SmartBoards/Notebook Software; Emmanuel Christian School
- SmartBoards in the Classroom Presentation: (2011) Northwest Ohio Symposium on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
- SmartBoards in the Classroom Presentation: (2010) Association of Christian School International Regional Conference
Curriculum Development
- Introduction to Computer Science: (2018-present) Created an interactive online course including online curriculum and assessment, video discussions, online student-to-student support discussion board
- Advanced Productivity Software: (2019) Combined two Career Tech Workforce Education undergraduate courses to create one combined course
- Elementary Computer program: (2011) Revised and expanded program at Emmanuel Christian School to include student personal computer logins, Chromebooks, Google for Education accounts, expanded keyboarding, coding, and cross-curricular projects with the elementary classrooms.
- Middle School General Music: (2007) Developed three-year rotating general music curriculum for non-band and non-choir students that utilized hands-on music technology projects
Courses Taught
- Graduate Courses
- EDTL 6310: Technology in the 21st Century Classroom
- Undergraduate Courses
- CIS 130: Introduction to Computer Science
- EDTL 2300: Introduction to Educational Technology
- Other Teaching
- Elementary Computer Classes (grades K-5)
- Middle School General Music (grades 6-8)
- Homeschooling (grades 5-12)
- Private Piano Lessons (ages 4-senior citizen)
Membership in Professional Organizations and Appointments
- Association of Christian Schools International Elementary Music Festival: (April 2014-2016) Chairman
- NCATE accreditation: (October 2015) BGSU Representative for Classroom Technology program
- Association of Christian Schools International and AdvancEd: (April 2015) Accreditation External Review Team
- Association of Christian Schools International Regional: (2013, 2015) Judge, Desktop Publishing
- Technology in Music Education: (2009-2015) Board Member, State of Ohio; (2011) National Conference Committee
Updated: 12/12/2023 09:45AM