EDHD Inclusion and Diversity

EDHD Conceptual Framwork

In alignment with EDHD's strategic plan, this graphic was created to establish the main framework of the plan. We intend to use leadership and service, integrative and experiential learning, inquiry and innovation, and professional preparation to build a community of inclusion, collaboration, and respect.

Land Acknowledgement

Bowling Green State University and its affiliated campuses are situated in the homelands of numerous Indigenous and Native tribal nations. Our campus footprint holds many contemporary and historical ties to the Wyandot, Kickapoo, Miami, Odawa, Potawatomi and multiple other Indigenous tribal nations, present and past, who were forcibly removed to and from the area.

This area's history reveals an arterial network of complex economic and cultural significance. We recognize the stewardship, dedication, and presence of those for whom the Great Black Swamp and the Lower Great Lakes region is home. Through this statement, we aim to trace the past to the present to inform current conditions. It is within BGSU's responsibility as an academic institution to disseminate knowledge about Indigenous peoples and the University’s relationships, past and present, with tribal nations and individuals. 

As such, we recognize the forced relocation of tribal nations to and from this land and we strive to decolonize history and present conditions. We thank Indigenous individuals and communities who have been living and working on the land from time immemorial. This type of acknowledgment must not only be through statement, but in action and practice as well, in order to foster an inclusive, respectful and sustainable community.  

Find the land that you are currently occupying at this link to continue your individual work towards decolonization. Below you will find additional resources on the importance of land acknowledgements under the "education" tab.

Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity, Why should it matter to you? 

Bowling Green State University values diversity as essential to improving the human condition. Diversity and inclusion immeasurably enriches all that we do to engage, understand, and respect individuals. Within our community, the diversity of identities and life experiences determines how we perceive and contribute to society. We acknowledge that diversity has not always been understood or embraced in our society, yet, at BGSU, we will strive to understand and embrace diversity by breaking down barriers to meaningful participation to ensure that individuals are treated with dignity. 

As a university striving to be a place where all belong, we must recognize that the historical unequal distribution of power, privilege and resources, itself a mark of diversity, simultaneously impacts current experiences and future possibilities of individuals engaged in higher education in the United States. In order for belonging to take place, each person and their experiences must be centered.

As a public university for the public good, our bedrock commitment to diversity and belonging requires mutual respect, understanding, and valuing individuals to facilitate a more diverse and inclusive environment so all can belong. It is our responsibility to ensure that each student, faculty, staff, and community member has the ability to participate without barriers and to feel affirmed.

Please note: information for this website was adapted from Division of Diversity and Belonging Diversity and Beloning Statement as well as the key defentitions and statements. You can learn more at the division's website

Position on Inclusion and Diversity

The College of Education and Human Development (EDHD) is committed to promoting inclusion, collaboration, and respect. We strive to support faculty, staff, and students in learning, teaching, leading, and engaging in local and global communities. Developing and sustaining a diverse and thriving community is an active and ongoing process that we are committed to continuing.

EDHD is comprised of individuals shaped by the unique intersections of multiple identities, social hierarchies, experiences, and positions in society. We acknowledge the effects of historic, unequal distributions of power, privilege, and resources that have meant not all members are afforded the same resources, treatment, and opportunities. EDHD strives to address these inequities through deliberate and conscious actions and ensure that our policies and processes promote fair and equitable access to all members of our community.

EDHD recognizes that merely stating our commitment to equity is insufficient. Transforming our organization into an inclusive, collaborative, and respectful community requires intentional action each day so that this work becomes integral to everything we do. The EDHD Inclusion and Diversity Committee is committed to sustained attention to supporting and promoting diversity and inclusion through education, programming, and collaboration among students, faculty, staff, and community members.

To effect change at multiple levels, we continue to assess and modify curricular offerings, support implicit bias training and other faculty professional development, and provide support to students and the EDHD community through the office of student experience and support.

We welcome feedback and dialogue on these issues as they pertain to the curriculum, policies, and social climate within the College of Education and Human Development. Your feedback will help EDHD continue our work in improving the culture in EDHD. We believe that as a community we can make progress together. Feedback on this statement can be send to edhd@bgsu.edu

Position adapted from the BGSU Inclusion Network (2012, as cited in Student Affairs Diversity Committee, 2014), Association of American Colleges & Universities’ Making Excellence Inclusive (2016), the National Council on Family Relations’ Definition of Diversity (2016), and BGSU definitions key (https://www.bgsu.edu/equity-diversity-and-inclusion/university-terms-and-definitions-key.html).


The University Library has a great resource that recommends several books for reading for racial justice. You can find a full list at their Reading for Racial Jusitice Lib Guide

Here is a list of current books that I am reading: 

The sum of us : what racism costs everyone and how we can prosper together by Heather McGhee

"The Sum of Us is a brilliant analysis of how we arrived here: divided and self-destructing, materially rich but spiritually starved and vastly unequal. McGhee marshals economic and sociological research to tell an irrefutable story of racism's costs, but at the heart of the book are the humble stories of people yearning to be part of a better America, including white supremacy's collateral victims: white people themselves. With startling empathy, this heartfelt message from a Black woman to a multiracial America leaves us with a new vision for a future in which we finally realize that life can be more than a zero-sum game." -- From dust jacket

Cultivating Genius: An equity framework for culturally and historically responsive literacy by Gholdy Muhammad

"In Cultivating Genius, Dr. Gholdy E. Muhammad presents a four-layered equity framework—one that is grounded in history and restores excellence in literacy education. This framework, which she names, Historically Responsive Literacy, was derived from the study of literacy development within 19th-century Black literacy societies. The framework is essential and universal for all students, especially youth of color, who traditionally have been marginalized in learning standards, school policies, and classroom practices."

Beyond tolerance: Gays, lesbians, and bisexuals on campus edited by Nancy J. Evans and Vernon A. Wall

"Written especially for student affairs professionals, administrators, and faculty and student leaders, this ground-breaking book is a vital resource for those facing the complex and challenging issues that confront gays, lesbians, and bisexuals on campus...It also includes a comprehensive list of resources for learning more about the gay, lesbian and bisexual experience on campus. Co-published with ACPA. Originally published in 1991 " University Library

The language we use matters, it affects individuals and our inclusion efforts within the community. The university has created agreed definitions around diversity, equity, and inclusion. Learn more about the definitions.

One example of language that impacts our community is the use of gender pronouns. Using pronouns help our community to not make assumptions on a person's gender and instead allows the person to provide their pronouns for us. Not everyone is comfortable using pronouns, but it should be offered as an option for all community members. Learn more about gender pronouns and their significance.

Additional resources for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies can be found at the LGBTQ+ Resource Center. 

Interested in participating in campus workshops on topics such as implicit bias, gender, bystander intervention and other topics? You can request a training from the Division of Diversity and Belonging. 

Complete your Belonging Decal 

This decal is meant to allow individuals to share different experiences and interests that they are willing to talk about with other members of the College of Education and Human Development. Your experience listed on the decal can be directly related to your identity- if you feel comfortable sharing- or something unrealted to your identity. This initiative will help people in the college to get to know each other on a more personal level. Increasing visibility within the college will help more people feel a sense of belonging within EDHD. It will also share to students that they can achieve the same level as the faculty and staff who may share your experience or interest.  

If you have an idea, concern, or reason to celebrate someone's contribution to diversity, equity, and inclusion within the College of Education and Human Development please complete this short form. 

DEI Submission Form

Bowling Green State University is committed to community well-being and belonging. In turn, it is the responsibility of each person within the University community to take action when an issue or concern arises. Below are various forms to report concerns. Please call the Office of the Dean of Students at 419-372-2843 if you have a question about which form to complete.

See it. Hear it. Report it. 

Updated: 01/15/2025 03:13PM