Collegiate Chorale


Sunday, November 12, 2023

3:00 P.M. Kobacker Hall
Moore Musical Arts Center


Dr. Emily Pence Brown, conductor
Heather Goldman, collaborative pianist
Kourtney Syrus, graduate assistant
Emma Zemancik, percussionist

The Eyes of A Hurricane

Mahk Jchi (Heartbeat Drum Song) | Ulali, arr. Emily Pence Brown

Mahk jchi tahm buooi yahmpi gidi
Mahk jchi taum buooi kan spewa ebi
Mahmpi wah hoka yee monk Tahond tani kiyee tiyee
Gee we-me eetiyee
Nanka yaht yamoonieah wajitse

Our hearts are full
and our minds are good.
Our ancestors come
and give us strength.
Stand tall, sing, dance
and never forget who you are
or where you come from

Rejoice, Rejoice T. 262 | William Byrd (1540-1623)

Famine Song | VDA, arr. Matthew Culloton (b. 1976)
    Laney Mitchell & Isabella Olzak, soloists

Sicut erat | Niccola Porpora (1686-1768)/Ralph Hunter

Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper, et in sæcula sæculórum. Amen.

As it was in the beginning, and now, and always, and in the ages of the ages. Amen.

This Sky Falls | Jocelyn Hagen (b. 1980)
    Karla Kunk, soloist

Plakatap | Sydney Guillaume (b. 1982)

Enfants de tous pays,
Jeunesses de partout,
Chantez, sautez, dansez!
À pied ou en vélo,
Sacoche sur le dos,
Plakatap – Plakatap,
Plakatap – Plakatap!
Fêtez, chantez!
Célébrons d'un seul coeur la grande Humanité,
Et chantons tous en choeur notre Fraternité!
Malgré ce qui se passe,
En dépit de l’espace,
Nous sommes une famille
De garçons et de filles.
Vivons dans l’Unité
D’une seule Humanité.
Plakatap – Plakatap!
Avec le même amour,
Allons jour après jour,
Chantez, pompez, dansez
La Ronde Fraternelle
Des enfants de la Terre.
Plakatap – Plakatap,
Plakatap – Plakatap!

Children of all countries,
Youth from everywhere,
Sing, jump, dance!
On foot or by bike,
Our bags on our backs,
Plakatap – Plakatap,
Plakatap – Plakatap!
Let’s party, let’s sing!
Let’s celebrate Humanity with one heart,
And let us all sing our Fraternity in chorus!
Regardless of what’s happening,
In spite of the distance,
We are one family
Of young men and women.
Let us dwell in the Unity
Of one Humanity.
Plakatap – Plakatap!
United in the same love,
Let us go day by day,
Singing, jumping up and down, dancing
The Fraternal Dance
Of the children of the World.
Plakatap – Plakatap,
Plakatap – Plakatap!

After The Rain | Sarah Quartel (b. 1982)


University Men's Chorus
Richard Schnipke, conductor
C.J. Capen, pianist
Keith Phares, guest soloist
Will Baughman & Alejo Goenaga, graduate assistant conductors

Sing Out, My Soul!

Down to the River to Pray | American traditional text, arr. Christopher Aspaas
    Gio Gastiglione, Dylan Gheen, Cameron Baker & Jaylen Donald, soloists
            Will Baughman, conductor

Sing Dem Herrn Michael Praetorius (1571 - 1621), arr. Wallace DePue
            Will Baughman, conductor

Sing dem Herrn!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alle lieben Ihn.
Lobe seinen Namen.
Singet mit Tambourin und Harfe. 

English Translation:
Sing to the Lord
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Everyone loves Him
Praise His name
Sing with drums and harp. 

Sing Out My Soul | text by William Henry Davies, Marques L. A. Garrett (1983) 

Sing out, my soul, your songs of joy; 
Sing as a happy bird will sing 
Beneath a rainbow’s lovely arch 
In early spring. 

Think not of death… 
Strive not for gold…  

Train up your mind to feel content, 
What matters then how low your store? 
What we enjoy, and not possess, 
Makes rich or poor. 

Veni Sancte Spiritus Medieval Latin text, Lenoš Janáček (1854 - 1928)

Veni, Sancte Spiritus,
reple tuorum corda fidelium,
et tui amoris ignem incende.
Qui per diversitatem linguarum cunctarum gentes 
in unitate fidei congregasti. Amen. 

English Translation:
Come, Holy Spirit,
fill the hearts of Your faithful,
and kindle the fire of Your love. 
You, who from the diverse tongues of all peoples
have gathered together in unity of faith. Amen. 

Cantate Domino text from Psalms 95 and 97, Vytautas Miškinis (1954) 

Cantate Domino canticum novum:
et benedicite nomini ejus:
quia mirabilia fecit.
Psallite Domino in cithara
et voce psalmi. 

English Translation:
Sing unto the Lord a new song
and bless his name,
for he has done marvelous things.
Rejoice and sing praise with the harp, and the
voice of a psalm. 


Songs from the Stage

Toreador Song from Carmen | Georges Bizet (1838 - 1875)
    Professor Keith Phares, soloist 

Votre toast, je peux vous le rendre,
Senor, senors car avec les soldats
Oui, les Toreros, peuvent s'entendre;
Pour plaisirs, pour plaisirs,
Ils ont les combats!
Le cirque est plein,
c'est jour de fete!
Le cirque est plein du haut en bas;
Les spectateurs, perdant la tete,
Les spectateurs s'interpellent
a grand fracas!
Apostrophes, cris et tapage
Pousses jusques a la fureur!
Car c'est la fete du courage!
C'est la fete des gens de co
Allons! en garde! Allons! Allons! ah!
Toreador, en garde! Toreador, Toreador!
Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant
Qu'un oeil noir te regarde,
Et que l'amour t'attend,
Toreador, L'amour t'attend!
Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant
Qu'un oeil noir te regarde,
Et que l'amour t'attend,
Toreador, L'amour t'attend!
Tout d'un coup, on fait silence...
Ah! que se passe-t-il?
Plus de cris, c'est l'instant!
Plus de cris, c'est l'instant!
le taureau s'elance
En bondissant hors du Toril!
Il s'elance! Il entre,
Il frappe! un cheval roule,
Entrainant un Picador,
Ah! bravo! Toro! Hurle la foule!
Le taureau va, il vient,
il vient et frappe encore!
En secouant ses banderilles,
Plein de fureur, il court!
Le cirque est plein de sang!
On se sauve, on franchit les grilles!
C'et ton tour maintenant! allons!
En garde! allons! allons! Ah!
Toreador, en garde! Toreador, Toreador!
Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant
Qu'un oeil noir te regarde,
Et que l'amour t'attend,
Toreador, L'amour t'attend!
Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant
Qu'un oeil noir te regarde
Et que l'amour t'attend,
Toreador, L'amour t'attend!
Et songe bien, oui, songe en combattant
Qu'un oeil noir te regarde
Et que l'amour t'attend,
Et que l'amour t'attend,
Toreador, L'amour t'attend!
L'amour! L'amour! L'amour!
Toreador, Toreador, L'amour t'attend!

English Translation:
Your toast, I can give it to you
Sirs, sirs, for along with the soldiers
Yes, the Toreros, can understand;
For pleasures, for pleasures
They have combats!
The arena is full,
it is the feast day!
The arena is full, from top to bottom;
The spectators are losing their minds,
The spectators began a big fracas!
Apostrophes, cries, and uproar grow to a furor!
Because it is a celebration of courage!
It is the celebration of people with heart!
Let’s go, en guard! Let’s go! Let’s go! Ah!
Toreador, en guard! Toreador, Toreador!
And dream away, yes, dream in combat,
That a black eye is watching you,
And that love awaits you,
Toreador, love awaits you!
And dream away, yes dream in combat,
That a black eye is watching you
And may love await you,
Toreador, love await you!
All of a sudden, it is silent...
Ah, what is happening?
More cries! It is the moment!
More cries! It is the moment!
The bull throws himself out
Bounding out of the bullpin!
He throws himself out! He enters.
He strikes! A horse rolls,
Dragging a picador,
Ah, Bravo! Bull! The crowd roars!
The bull goes, he comes,
He comes and strikes again!
Shaking his dart-stabbed neck,
Full of fury, he runs!
The arena is full of blood!
They save themselves, they pass the gates
It is your turn now. Let’s go!
En guard! Let’s go! Let’s go! Ah!
Toreador, en guard! Toreador, Toreador!
And dream away, yes, dream in combat,
That a black eye is watching you,
And that love awaits you,
Toreador, Love awaits you!
And dream away, yes, dream in combat,
That a black eye is looking at you
And that love awaits you
Toreador, love awaits you!
And dream away, yes, dream in combat,
That a black eye is looking at you
And that love awaits you
And that love awaits you.
Toreador, love awaits you!
Love! Love! Love!
Toreador, Toreador, love awaits you!

Tell My Father from The Civil War text and music by Frank Wildhorn (1958), arr. Andrew Ramsey
    Matthew Steele, soloist

Tell my father that his son didn't run, or surrender. 
That I bore his name with pride as I tried to remember. 
You are judged by what you do while passing through. 

As I rest 'neath fields of green, let him lean on my shoulder. 
Tell him how I spent my youth, so the truth could grow older. 
Tell my father when you can; I was a man. 

Tell him we will meet again where the angels learn to fly. 
Tell him we will meet as men for with honor did I die. 
Tell him how I wore the blue, proud and true, through the fire. 
Tell my father, so he'll know I love him so 

Tell him we will meet again where the angels learn to fly. 
Tell him we will meet as men for with honor did I die. 
Tell him how I wore the blue, proud and true, like he taught me. 
Tell my father not to cry; then say goodbye. 

Luck Be A Lady from Guys and Dolls | Frank Loesser (1910 - 1969)
    Professor Keith Phares, soloist 

They call you Lady Luck 
But there is room for doubt 
At times, you have a very un-ladylike way of running out 
You're on this date with me 
The pickin's have been lush 
And yet, before this evening is over 
You might give me the brush 
You might forget your manners 
You might refuse to stay 
And so the best that I can do is pray 
Luck, be a lady tonight 
Luck, be a lady tonight 
Luck, if you've ever been a lady to begin with 
Luck, be a lady tonight 
Luck, let a gentleman see 
How nice a dame you can be 
I know the way you've treated other guys you've been with 
Luck, be a lady with me 
A lady doesn't leave her escort 
It isn't fair, it isn't nice 
A lady doesn't wander all over the room 
And blow on some other guy's dice 
Let's keep this party polite 
Never get out of my sight 
Stick with me baby, I'm the fella you came in with 
Luck, be a lady tonight 
A lady never flirts with strangers 
She'd have a heart, she'd be nice 
A lady doesn't wander all over the room 
And blow on some other guy's dice 
Let's keep this party polite 
Never get out of my sight 
Stick with me baby, I'm the guy that you came in with 
Luck be a lady tonight


The Music of Living | Dan Forrest (1978) 
    Federico Orlando, violin; Phoebe Saboley, horn; Charles Ligus and Liam Lockhart, percussion

Giver of life, Cre-a-tor of all that is love-ly, 
teach me to sing the words to your song. 
I want to feel the music of living; I want to feel the music of living; 
and not fear the sad songs, but from them make new songs
composed of both laughter and tears. 

Giver of life, Cre-a-tor of all that is lovely,
teach me to dance to the sounds of your world.
I want to move in rhythm with your plan.
Help me to follow your leading.
To risk even falling, to rise and keep trying,
for you are leading the dance. 

Giver of life, Cre-a-tor of all that is lovely,
teach me to sing the words to your song. 

Gaudete! traditional Gaelic chant, arr. Michael Engelhardt (1974)
    B. Michael Perry & Will Baughman, soloists
    Charles Ligus, Liam Lockhart, Zach Ortega and Sam Scheele, percussion

Gaudete, gaudete!
Christus est natus
Ex Maria virgine,

English Translation:
Rejoice, rejoice!
Christ is born
Of the Virgin Mary,

Traditional Songs of the BGSU Men’s Chorus:

Brothers, Sing On! | Edvard Grieg, arr. Howard D. McKinney

Come and let our swelling song Mount like the whirling wind,
As it meets our singing throng, So blithe of heart and mind.
Care and sorrow now begone, Brothers in song, sing on!
Brothers, sing on, sing on!

Youth is a wandering troubadour, Sailing the singing breeze,
Wooing a maid on a distant shore, Over the tossing seas;
Steering by the stars above, His vessel a song of love.
Brothers, sing on, sing on!

Errant minstrels, thus we greet you,
List to our voices strong, With glad and open hearts we meet you in our festival of song.
Care and sorrow now be gone, Brothers in song, sing on!
Brothers, sing on, sing on!

Forward Falcons text by Sidney L. Freeman, arr. Will Baughman
            Will Baughman, conductor

Forward Falcons,
Forward Falcons,
Fight for victory.

Show our spirit,
make them fear it,
Fight for ol’ Bee Gee.

Forward Falcons,
Forward Falcons,
Make the contest keen.

Hold up the fame of our mighty name, and win for
Bowling Green

Combined Choirs

Bowling Green State University Alma Mater | text by Edith M. Ludwig, arr. John M. Hyde

Alma Mater hear us,
As we praise thy name
Make us worthy sons and daughters
Adding to thy fame.
Time will treat you kindly

Years from now you'll be
Ever dearer in our hearts,
Our University.

From your halls of ivy
To the campus scene,
Chimes ring out with gladness
From our dear Bowling Green.
When all is just a mem'ry

Of the by-gone days,
Hear our hymn dear Alma Mater
As thy name we praise.

Isabella Abucejo
Sarah Adams
Madison Alt
Sara Barnhill Murray
Makenna Batcho
Sylvia Bright
Shelby Brooks
Emily Buelsing
Allison Celek
Emma Cheek
Alyssa Desotell*
Desi Dunkle
Maddie Dykema
Madison Elliott
Kamiah Felver
Ace Goodman
Kiersten Grantz
Haleigh Greif
Meredith Gulla
Jenna Hainer
Samantha Hill*
Alexandra Hoffer
Madison Hoffman
Brittany Izor
Katherine Johnson
Mackenzie Jones*
Aria King*
Madeline Kissinger
Karla Kunk
Ellie Lewis
Carmen Lopez
Katie Maher

Audrey Martin
Abigail Miller
Elizabeth Mills
Laney Mitchell*
Baylie Mitchell
Kalee Moore
Sarah Munson
Isabella Olzak*
Harley Partlow
Olivia Pedone
Julia Posadny
Zo Povlsen
Naomi Schag
Julianne Schramm
Bekah Shively
Amanda Simpson
Katie Skrovan
Kate Slane
Julia Soltis
Olivia Sulaica
Annie Swanson
Olivia Swicegood
Kourtney Syrus
Emily Thornton
Alethia Toppins
Allison Twinning
Libby Vale
Cassidy Vanscoy
Elle Walters
Ella Willard
Christina Worcester
Emma  Zemancik

* Denotes choir officer

Tenor 1
*Cameron Baker
Dominic Carlozzi
Cody Carr
Jackson Clarke
Austin Cochrun
Sam Eggenton
Seth Foth
Dylan Gheen
Henry Griffiths
Will Hermanowski
Dylan Hohlfelder
Corban Hutchins
Ethan Martinez
-^*B. Michael Perry
Micah Roth
Andrew Vo 

Tenor 2
Cooper Adams
Landon Arnett
Kyle Atkins
-^Will Baughman
Schneider Cornely
*Andrew Dahlke
Jossiah Ellinger
Gray Garza
-^Alejo Goenaga
Anthony Iacovone
Bruin Kennedy
Patrick Osinski
Robbie Reed
Henry Sadler
Mason Smith
Aaron Stephenson
Anthony Stout
Gabriel Switzer
Benjamin Tittl
Colin (Woody) Wood
*Wesley Yoder

Nahom Agide
Andrew Blachley
Xavier Branch
^Gio Castiglione
*Jaylen Donald
Jess Driggs
Landon Fickiesen
Nicolas Golini
Kierce Gonzalez
Jake Grafitti
Jeremy Ledyard
Alec Lee
Will Lindsay
Holden McDonald
*Jonathon McNevin
Colton Ogg
Zach Ortega
Samuel Scheele
Matthew Steele
Joe Varga
Zachary Walker
Issac Washington
Thomas Williamson 

+Harry Bare
Sean Barry
+Randy (Beef) Baughman
Apollo Bernath
Luca Caretto
Ivan Cobb
*Jaylen Donald
Dylan Haywood
John Humphrey
Evan King
Brendan Kracht
Samuel Lee
Devon North
Austin Panos
Martin Repka
Zach Sanford
Kyle Schmidt
^Chris Schock
Jack Summanen
Ian Wisecup

*chorus officers
^section leaders
-graduate assistant conductors
+BGSU SAGE program


For 20 years, in a range of opera and concert repertoire including Baroque, Classical, verismo, 20th Century and many of today's composers, Keith Phares has appeared in leading roles with Washington National Opera, Los Angeles Opera, Seattle Opera, the Metropolitan Opera, New York City Opera, New York Philharmonic, San Francisco Symphony, Los Angeles Philharmonic, São Paolo Symphony Orchestra, Santa Fe Opera, Glimmerglass Opera, Florida Grand Opera, Opera Theatre of Saint Louis and elsewhere; in collaboration with Hal Prince, Francesca Zambello, Frank Corsaro, Paul Curran, Richard Hickox, Patrick Summers, Harry Bicket, Marin Alsop, Sir Colin Davis, Sir Thomas Allen, among others; and in recital with the Marilyn Horne Foundation, WordSong, Illuminarts and LyricFest; bachelor's degree from the University of Richmond and master's degree from the New England Conservatory, with additional study at Music Academy of the West, Aspen Music Festival and the Juilliard Opera Center; studied with W. Stephen Smith, Richard Hughes, Edward Zambara, Marilyn Horne, Warren Jones, Steven Blier, Ken Merrilll and John Moriarty.

An ardent exponent of contemporary American opera, Phares sang Kynaston on the Grammy-nominated recording of Carlisle Floyd’s Prince of Players, Charlie in the premiere and recording of Jake Heggie's​ Three Decembers ​opposite Frederica von Stade with Houston Grand Opera and San Francisco Opera, the Father in the premiere and recording of Gregory Spears’ ​Paul's Case​ with UrbanArias and PROTOTYPE, Elder Tull in the premiere of Craig Bohmler's ​Riders of the Purple Sage​, Dr. Ludwig Binswanger in the premiere of Ricky Ian Gordon's ​Ellen West​, George Hurstwood in the premiere and recording of Robert Aldridge's ​Sister Carrie, and the title role in the premiere and live, Grammy-winning recording of Aldridge's ​Elmer Gantry.

Thanks for attending this performance. If you have enjoyed your experience, please consider donating to the College of Musical Arts in support of our students and programming. Donate online at, or call Sara Zulch- Smith at 419-372-7309.

To our guests with disabilities, please indicate if you need special services, assistance or appropriate modifications to fully participate in our events by contacting Accessibility Services,, 419-372-8495. Please notify us prior to the event.

Audience members are reminded to silence alarm watches, pagers and cellular phones before the performance. As a matter of courtesy and copyright law, no recording or unauthorized photographing is allowed. BGSU is a nonsmoking campus.

Updated: 09/18/2024 03:29PM