Current Sport Management Students

Bowling Green State University's Sport Management program is one of the largest and most diversified undergraduate sport management programs in North America. It is one of only a few programs in Ohio that holds accreditation from the Commission of Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) for both the undergraduate and graduate programs. Our program has an excellent national and international reputation for producing outstanding sport professionals. The program prepares students for a variety of sport-related careers.
Important Forms:
The forms below also are available on the Sport Management Canvas site.
Sport Management Introductory and Capstone INTERNSHIP INFORMATION
Spring 2024 Introductory or Capstone Internship:
You must:
- Pre-Apply by October 13 (see Pre-Application link below)
- Upload the Agency Confirmation form to Canvas by December 1
Summer 2024 Introductory or Capstone Internship:
You must:
- Pre-Apply by February 15 (see Pre-Application link below)
- Upload the Agency Confirmation form to Canvas by April 19
Sport Management majors must complete two internships (introductory and capstone), and you must “Pre-apply” for both.
The pre-application can be found on this webpage under Important Forms or you may obtain a form from your sport management faculty advisor.
If you want to complete an introductory or capstone internship, you MUST submit your pre-application form by the following dates:
- Fall Introductory/ Capstone internship = form is due August 15
- Spring Introductory/ Capstone internship = form is due October 15
- Summer Introductory/ Capstone internship = form is due February 15
All requirements must have been met (NOT in progress) at time of application. INTRODUCTORY INTERNSHIP REQUIREMENTS ARE: 2.5 Overall GPA, 45 Credit Hours Completed, C or above in SM 2010, C or above in SM 2140, C or above in SM 3010
You must pre-apply before you can seek, accept or complete an introductory internship. No exceptions! Before searching for a site, it is vital that you discuss your options with your advisor.
You are required to work three hours per week for each credit hour registered (e.g., 3 credit introductory internship = 9 hours per week). For a spring and fall introductory internship, you must work 14 weeks beginning and ending with the regular semester. For the summer, you are allowed to work total hours (3 credits = 126 total hours; 4 credits = 168 total hours; 5 credits = 210 total hours) and this may be completed on-or off-campus.
Getting enrolled in an introductory internship is easy. Once you have pre-applied you may seek a site.
- Obtain the site confirmation form from your advisor.
- Check the introductory internship dates to make sure you turn the forms in on time.
- Once the site has accepted you, complete the confirmation form (form must be signed by the agency where you will be completing the introductory internship).
- Once the confirmation form is completed and signed by the site turn it in to your advisor who will check to make sure it is completed correctly. Your advisor will forward the forms to the field experience coordinator who will register you.
You can’t register for the introductory internship through MyBGSU (or internet registration). The field experience coordinator will register you for the introductory internship once you have completed the pre-application process and confirmation form. Once registered, you will be able to use Canvas to obtain all course materials. We will not be able to register you if you have any “holds” on your account or if registering you will take you over 18 hours.
You must complete the introductory internship with a grade of B or better, a total of 75 credit hours completed and have a 2.5 overall GPA to be eligible to complete a capstone internship. No exceptions!
Before searching for a site, you must pre-apply (pre-application can be found on this webpage under Important Forms) and consult your advisor to discuss information regarding the capstone internship requirements. The capstone internship is 12 credits and you are required to work 40 hours per week for the entire semester. Capstone internships must coincide with the regular BGSU semester and be off campus. Summer capstone interns will be required to be at the site immediately after spring semester ends. You must complete the capstone internship off campus and it may not be the same site as your introductory internship.
Getting enrolled in a capstone internship is easy:
- Once you have pre-applied you may seek a capstone internship site. Obtain the site confirmation form from your advisor.
- Check the capstone internship dates to make sure you turn the forms in on time.
- Once the site has accepted you, complete the confirmation form (form must be signed by the agency where you will be completing the capstone internship).
- Once the confirmation form is completed and signed by the site turn it in to your advisor who will check to make sure it is completed correctly. Your advisor will forward the forms to the field experience coordinator who will register you.
You can’t register for the capstone internship through on-line registration. The field experience coordinator will register you for the capstone internship once you have completed the pre-application process and confirmation form. Once registered, you will be able to use Canvas to obtain all course materials. We will not be able to register you if you have any “holds” on your account or if registering you will take you over 18 hours. We discourage students from taking any courses while completing the capstone internship. However, if you are completing another class while also doing the capstone internship, it must be online and students are not allowed to take over 18 credit hours.
Questions? Contact:
Amanda Koba, Ph.D., Program Coordinator
Updated: 12/11/2023 11:32AM