Hyeyoung Bang

School of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Policy
570 Education
FAX: 419-372-8448


Ph.D. in Educational Psychology,
Oklahoma State University, 2009
Dissertation: The Relationship of Wisdom and Ego Identity for Korean and American Adolescents 

M.Ed. (with Honors) in Education/Educational Psychology
The University of New England, Armidale, Australia, 2005

M.Ed. in English Education, Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea, 2002

B.A. in Elementary Education /Music Education, Busan National University of Education, Busan, South Korea, 1990


ASIA 4700: Korean Culture and Language                                                                   EDFI 6820: Special Topic (Education for Wisdom and Peace)                                      EDFI 6700/6800: Human Development & Learning Across the Lifespan for Helping      Professional                                                                                                              EDFI 6730: Adolescent Development in Social Context
EDFI 6890: Internship Cross-Cultural Education
EDFI 6750: Cross­-Cultural Human Development and Learning
EDFI 6710: Human Growth and Development
EDFI 7450: Qualitative Research Method
EDFI 3030: Educational Psychology Applied to Adolescent Development
EDFI 3020: Educational Psychology
EDFI 3010: Educational Psychology Applied to Early Childhood Development


Theme 1: Understanding Wisdom as a Positive Human Function across Cultures

  • Wisdom and Resilience Overcoming Life Challenges
  • Wisdom and Virtuous Living
  • Learning to Practice Wisdom and Peace from Wisdom Traditions
  • Contemplative and Holistic Education

Theme 2: Understanding Education and Social Roles in Human Function

  • Education for Refugees, Minority, and International Students
  • Family and Education
  • Learning and Teaching

Methodology: Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Method, & Q Methodology


Baron, C. (PI), Sklarwitz, S., Bang, H. (Methodologist) & Shatara, H., (2016-2018 Extended 2019). Assessing Teacher Learning at Historic Sites (ATLHS), Partners: Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, Mystic Seaport. Institute for Museum and Library Services: National Leadership Grant. (Funded amount: $296,312)

Funded External Grant: Ferrari, M. (PI), CoPIs: Ardelt, M., Bang, H., Connell, M., Edmondson, R., Mongeau, G., & Vervaeke, J. (2014) “Motivating the Self to Virtue in Western and Non-Western Countries: Does nation or faith matter more?” The John Templeton Foundation (Area: Character and Virtue Development), 2013 (Requested amount: $190,000)

Funded Internal Grants: Bang, H. (PI) (2015) “Self, Virtue, Moral Motivation, and Wisdom: A cross-national and crossfaith
study” Funded by Faculty Research Council, BGSU, (Received amount: $10,000)

Bang, H. (PI) & Collet, B. (CoPI) (2012) “Wisdom Development and Adaptation to Schooling among Iraqi Refugee
Secondary School Students in the Detroit Metropolitan Area” Funded by Faculty Research Committee, BGSU, (Received amount: $10,000)


Abercrombie, A. S. Bang, H., & Ashley K. V. (accepted 2022). Motivational and disciplinary differences in academic risk taking in higher education. accepted for publication in Educational Psychology. (Impact factor: 2.94) https://doi.org/10.1080/01443410.2022.2076810

Jones, A. G., Whitehead, G. E. K. & Bang, H. (accepted 2022). Exploring the impacts of a South Korean alternative school on North Korean refugees’ educational attitudes, satisfaction, and behavior. accepted for publication in Current Psychology. (Impact factor: 2.643) https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02518-5

Lim, S., Bang, H, & Ark, A. (2022). Using Q methodology to explore American adolescents’ self-images and images of their parents. The Family Journal, 30(1), 67–84. https://doi.org/10.1177/106648072098650 (CiteScore: 0.9, Impact factor: .635)  

Bang, H., & Collet, B. (2021). “I defeat those fears and start a new life”: Iraqi refugee students’ PTSD, wisdom, and resilience. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 27(2), 297–308. https://doi.org/10.1037/pac0000520 (Impact factor: 1.04)

*Chen, M., & Bang, H. (2020). Exploring East Asian undergraduate students’ perceptions about the effectiveness of their preparation for study abroad for academic success in U.S. universities. Journal of International Students10(1), 181-202. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v10i1.1049 (acceptance rate: 18%)

Baron, C., Sklarwitz, S., Bang, H. & Shatara, H. (2019). What teachers retain from historic site-based professional development. Journal of Teacher Education, 71(4), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022487119841889 (Impact factor: 3.263)

Ferrari, M., Bang, H., Ardelt, M., & Feng, Z. (2019). Educating for virtue: How wisdom coordinates informal, non-formal and formal education in motivation to virtue in Canada and South Korea. Journal of Moral Education48(1), 47-64. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057240.2018.1546169 (Impact factor: 0.825)

Baron, C., Sklarwitz, S., Bang, H. & Shatara, H, (2019). Understanding what teachers gain from professional development at historic sites.Theory & Research in Social Education, 47(1), 76-107. https://doi.org/10.1080/00933104.2018.1489927 (Impact factor: 0.89)

Bang, H., & Collet, B. (2018). Educational gaps and their impact on Iraqi refugee students’ secondary schooling in the Greater Detroit, Michigan Area. Research in Comparative and International Education, 13(2), 299-318. https://doi.org/10.1177/1745499918779258 (Impact factor: 0.4)

Bang, H. (2017). Buddhism and up (Karma): A Buddhist priest’s wisdom to help suffering: A conversation with Ji-Gong Bob-Sa. Journal of Global Mental Health and Traditional Healing, 1, 85-102.

Kim, J-S., Bang, H. (2017). Education fever: Korean parents' aspiration of their children's schooling and future career. Pedagogy, Culture and Society. 25(2). 207-224. https://doi.org/10.1080/14681366.2016.1252419 (Impact factor: 0.77)

Bang, H. (2017). Iraqi refugee high school students’ academic adjustment. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 11(1), 45-59. https://doi.org/10.1080/15595692.2016.1202232 (Impact factor: 0.43)

Bang, H., & Kim, J. (2016). Korean and American teachers’ praising styles and teaching practices. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 28(1), 28-54. (Acceptance rate: 20%)

Collet, B., & Bang, H. (2016). The securitization of refugee flows and the schooling of refugees: Examining the contrasting cases of North Koreans in South Korea and Iraqis in Jordan. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 46(2), 272-292. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057925.2014.952712 (Impact factor: 1.828)

Bang, H. (2015). African American undergraduate students’ wisdom and ego-identity development: Effects of age, gender, self-esteem and resilience. Journal of Black Psychology, 41(2), 95-120. https://doi.org/10.1177/0095798413510176 (Impact factor: 0.955)

Bang, H., & Zhou, Y. (2014). The function of wisdom dimensions in ego-identity development among Chinese university students. International Journal of Psychology, 49(6), 434-445. https://doi.org/10.1002/ijop.12065 (Impact factor: 1.485)

Cho, Y., Hathcoat, J., Briges, S., Mathew, S., & Bang, H. (2014). Factorial invariance of an integrated measure of classroom sense of community in face-to-face and online courses. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 32(8), 725-736. https://doi.org/10.1177/0734282914543170 (Impact factor: 0.939)

Bang, H., & Montgomery, D. (2013). Understanding international graduate students’ acculturation using Q methodology. Journal of College Student Development54(4), 343-360. https://doi.org/10.1353/csd.2013.0066 (Impact factor: 0.867; Acceptance rate: 9%)

Bang, H. (2013). "Why isn’t there cure?:" Emerging empathy and prosocial behavior among middle childhood children. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 25(4), 1-18 (Acceptance rate: 20%)

Bang, H., & Montgomery, D. (2012). Wisdom and ego-identity for Korean and American late adolescents. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 44(5), 807-831. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022022112466941 (Impact rate: 1.857, Acceptance rate: 13.92%)

*Zhou, Y., Frey, C. J., & Bang, H. (2011). Understanding of international graduate students’ academic adaptation to a U.S. graduate school. International Education, 41(1), 76-94.  (Acceptance rate: 35%)

Bang, H., & Montgomery, D. (2010). Exploring Korean and American teachers’ preferred emotional types. Roeper Review, 32(3)176-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/02783193.2010.485305

(Roeper Review is one of the top three journals on gifted education)

Bang, H., & Edwards, S. (2010). Predicting international students’ social adaptability. Academic Exchange Quarterly14, 27-31. (Acceptance rate: 31%)

Cho, Y., Yang, Y., Mathew, S., Bang, H., & Kim, S. (2009). Goal structure, emotion, and course satisfaction. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 13, 76-82. (Acceptance rate: 30%)

*An asterisk denotes a student co-author.


H. Bang (2020) Rethinking Confucianism: Wisdom from T’oegye Yi Hwang (퇴계 이황) and Implications for Educators. In A. Intezari, C. Spiller, & S. Yang (Eds). Practical Wisdom and Leadership in a Poly-cultural World: Asian, Indigenous and Middle-Eastern Perspectives (pp.101-113). London: Routledge.

Edmonson, R. Ferrari, M., Ardelt, M. & Bang, H. (2019). Integrating “Cultures of Reasoning”: Interdisciplinary Research on Motivating the Self to Wisdom and Virtue. N. E. Snow & D. Narvaez (Ed.s), Self, motivation, and virtue: Innovative interdisciplinary research (pp. 167-192). London: Routledge.

Collet, B. & Bang, H. (2018). A multicultural analysis of school policies on religion in 20 Western Democracies, and their challenges for accommodating migrant religions: A Cluster Analysis. R. Hayhoe & M. Sivasubramaniam (Ed.s), Religion and Education: Comparative and International Perspectives (pp. 351-379). Oxford Studies and Comparative Education Series. Oxford: Symposium Books

Bang, H. (2015). Challenges of Female Asian-Born Faculty in American Universities. In C. B. Hutchinson (Ed.), Experiences of Immigrant Professors: Challenges, Cross-Cultural Differences, and Lessons for Success (pp. 86-99). New York: Routledge.


Editor in Chief: Journal of Contemplative and Holistic Education (https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/jche/)

Committee Service at BGSU:

Coordinator since Fall 2023, Master of Arts in Cross-Cultural and International Education (MACIE)

Core Faculty since 2009, Master of Arts in Cross-Cultural and International Education (MACIE)

Member since 2022, Tenure, Promotion, and Reappointment Committee, EDHD

Faculty Member since 2017, Asian Studies Advisory Committee

Affiliate Faculty since 2014, Department of Higher Education and Student Affairs

Updated: 12/11/2023 09:31AM