Brigid M. Burke


Brigid M. Burke, Ph.D.

  • Position: World Language Program Coordinator/Professor
  • Phone: 419-372-7324
  • Email:
  • Address: 527 Education Building

More Information on Brigid Burke

Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Curriculum & Instruction

Ed.M., Harvard University, Self-Designed, Individual Studies

B.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, French Education


  • World language pedagogy (deep structure theory, communicative language teaching, exploratory world language programs and instruction, literacy, proficiency)

  • Experiential education (for elementary, secondary, and post-secondary educators using expeditionary learning design)

  • Teacher professional development (job-embedded, experiential, self-directed)

  • Action research for teachers

Dr. Burke has been a School of Teaching and Learning faculty member since 2009.

Undergraduate Courses:

  • Introduction to Teaching and Learning of World Languages
  • Teaching Adolescents Middle Grades through High School
  • Disciplinary Literacy

Graduate Courses:

  • Advanced Pedagogy and Best Practices
  • Qualitative Approaches to Classroom Inquiry
  • Teaching and Learning World Languages at the College Level

Burke, B.M. & Ceo-DiFrancesco, D. (2022). Recruitment and retention of world language teacher education majors: Perspectives of teacher candidates and alumni to remedy a global shortage. Foreign Language Annals, 55(2), 333-360. (lead article)*

*Gorman, M. (2022). Q&A with Brigid Burke and Diane Ceo-DiFrancesco: Research on recruitment and retention of world language teachers. The Language Educator, 17(2), 18-19. (We were interviewed about our 2022 article listed above)

Burke, B.M. & Ducar, C.M. (2018, August/September). Curriculum and instruction under
construction: Improving undergraduate world language education through professional learning communities.  The Language Educator, 13(3), 41-47.

Burke, B.M. & Holbrook, H.R. (2018). Empowering students as multilingual writers with writer’s workshop.  2018 Report of the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 43-80.

Burke, B.M. (2017).  Using Expeditionary Learning design for secondary and college-level world language curriculum and instruction.  In M. Bloom & C. Gascoigne (Eds.), Creating experiential learning opportunities for language learners (pp. 183-204).  Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.  (Invited publication)

Burke, B. M., & Howard, E. D. (2017). Making the case for exploratory world language
instruction in Catholic elementary schools through university partnerships.  Journal of Catholic Education, 20(2), 30-63.

Burke, B.M. & Long, S.  (2017).  The Chicago differentiation coach initiative: Empowering future teacher-leaders one step at a time.  Principal, 42-43.

Burke, B.M.  (2016). Developing world language students’ proficiency with reader’s workshops and extensive reading during literature circles.  2016 Report of the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 205-229.

Burke, B.M.  (2015).  Letter to the editor.  Foreign Language Annals, 48(4), 771-772.

Burke, B.M.  (2015).  Language proficiency testing for teachers. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, 1-7.  (Invited publication)

Burke, B.M.  (2015).  A collaborative approach can improve world language education.      Kappan, 96(7), 69-72.

Burke, B.M.  (2014). Forty years after Savignon, how far have(n’t) we come? Students’ perspectives about communicative language teaching in the 21st century. 2014 Report of the Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, 113-137.

Burke, B.M. (2013b).  Looking into a crystal ball:  Is requiring high-stakes language proficiency tests really going to improve world language education?  Modern Language Journal, 97(2), 531-534.

Burke, B.M.  (2013a).  Experiential professional development:  A model for meaningful and long-lasting change in classrooms.  Journal of Experiential Education, 36(3), 247-263.

Burke, B.M. (2012).  Experiential professional development: Improving world language
pedagogy inside Spanish classrooms.  Hispania, 95(4), 714-733.

Burke, B.M.  (2011).  Rituals and beliefs ingrained in world language pedagogy: Defining deep structure and conventional wisdom.  Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2(1), 1-12.

Editor of the CSCTFL Report (2018-2020)

I love to travel and swim! Garfield, gummies, and Days of our lives are some of my favorite things!

Updated: 07/25/2024 11:30AM