Office of Charter School Sponsorship

About us

Bowling Green State University has been sponsoring the Toledo School for the Arts (TSA) since 2008. The Office of Charter School Sponsorship helps to provide a focus on academic, operational, and fiscal integrity at TSA.

Our Mission: The Mission of the Office of Charter School Sponsorship at Bowling Green State University is to provide resources necessary to promote and sponsor an exceptional charter school environment.

Our Vision: The Vision of the Office of Charter School Sponsorship at Bowling Green State University is to strive to be an educational leader in the charter school movement in Northwest Ohio.

Strategic Plan: The Office of Charter School Sponsorship at Bowling Green State University adheres to the Principles and Standards for Quality Charter School Authorizing as established by the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) and uses these principles and standards as the foundation of its Strategic Plan for quality school sponsoring.

Please click here for a full copy of the Office of Charter School Sponsorship's detailed Strategic Plan.

Charter School Sponsorship Organizational Chart

Please click here for the BGSU School Sponsorship Organizational Chart.

Overall Sponsor Rating

The Office of Charter School Sponsorship at BGSU is proud to announce its 2018-2019 Overall Sponsor Rating is "Exemplary".

The Department of Education and Workforce annually evaluates community school sponsors on three components: Academic Performance, Compliance, and Quality Practices.

The Academic Performance component looks at several measures of student success in sponsored schools including academic achievement, student growth, early literacy, graduation, and how well students are prepared for college, careers, and life. BGSU received a "2" or "C" in this component.

The Compliance component asks whether sponsors are compliant with all relevant laws and rules and whether sponsors are monitoring their schools' compliance with laws and rules. BGSU received a "4" or "Exceeds Expectations" in this component.

The Quality Practices component compares sponsors' processes against best practices such as strategic planning, staff capacity, contract development and oversight of schools. BGSU received a "4" or "Exceeds Expectations" in this component.

A sponsor evaluation did not occur for BGSU during the 2023-2024 school year. Per ORC 3314.016(B)(7)(b), sponsors with an overall rating of "exemplary" or "effective" for the three most recent years in which the sponsor was evaluated shall be evaluated by the department once every three years.  Although sponsors who have received an Effective or Exemplary rating for the three most recent consecutive review cycles will not have to participate in the sponsor evaluation process, they still have to maintain documentation required by law available for audit purposes and to fulfill their legal responsibilities for their sponsored schools. 

In June 2024, the 135th Ohio General Assembly passed Senate Bill 168 …the Department shall not evaluate community school sponsors for the 2024-2025 school year, unless a sponsor elects to be evaluated. If a sponsor elects to be evaluated for 2024-2025, the sponsor shall be eligible for any benefits established under state law based on that evaluation.

S.B. 168 also included this provision:  The Department of Education and Workforce shall develop a comprehensive framework to be used to determine the performance of sponsors of community schools established under Chapter 3314. of the Revised Code. The Department shall engage a facilitator to work with community school stakeholders in developing the framework.

Currently the Department of Education and Workforce is seeking stakeholder involvement in developing an updated sponsor performance framework. The evaluation cycle will begin again once the redesigned evaluation is established.

Click here to view the 2018-2019 Sponsor Rating provided by Ohio Department of Education.

Click here to view the 2017-2018 Sponsor Rating provided by Ohio Department of Education.

Sponsor Annual Report

Click here for the 2023-2024 Sponsor Annual Report

Click here for the 2022-2023 Sponsor Annual Report

Our Schools

Currently, BGSU is the proud sponsor of one community school, Toledo School for the Arts (TSA). The school opened in 1999 and is located at 333 14th St. in downtown Toledo, Ohio. TSA strives to uphold their mission to serve as an inclusive community where learning is rigorous, creativity is cultivated, and the individual is celebrated. Students are provided a college preparatory academic curriculum and an intense visual and performing arts environment. Admission is open to all Ohio residents entering grades 6-12 via a lottery system.

For more information, click here.

Sponsoring Priorities

Sponsorship encompasses a great deal of legal responsibility, and the College of Education & Human Development at Bowling Green State University takes our responsibilities seriously. At the core, it upholds its mission of providing the resources necessary to promote and sponsor an exceptional charter school environment throughout the state of Ohio.

Adhering to the Principles and Standards for Quality Charter School Authorizing as established by the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA), BGSU utilizes the principles and standards as the foundation of its strategic plan for quality school sponsoring.

Principles:                                                                                           Standards:

Maintain High Standards                                                                   Agency Commitment & Capacity

Uphold School Autonomy                                                                  Application Process & Decision-Making

Protect Student and Public Interest                                                 Performance Contracting            

On-Going Oversight and Evaluation

Revocation and Renewal Decision-Making

In accordance with the sponsoring priorities, principles, and standards, this application includes prescriptive requirements and evaluation criteria.  In order to preserve the highest standard of quality sponsorship, the school must provide sound evidence of meeting each selection criteria.  Only schools that earn at least 75% of possible points will be considered for a preliminary agreement.

There are significant consequences for poor performance in academics, finance, operations, and governance.  If a school does not perform well, it may be closed automatically by law or by the sponsor, and could be subject to civil liability.  It is imperative the school demonstrates its strong, evidence-based understanding of community school operations before BGSU would agree to sponsor the community school.

Applications for School Sponsorship:

Reference Step One: Application for Sponsorship for guidance on the proper format, submission procedures, and deadlines.

New Community School Sponsorship Documents:

New Community School Sponsorship- Instructions & Timeline (Contract Start Date: July 1, 2025)
New Community School Sponsorship- Application & Rubric (Contract Start Date: July 1, 2025)

Replicator Community School Sponsorship Documents:

Replicator Community School Sponsorship- Instructions & Timeline (Contract Start Date: July 1, 2025)
Replicator Community School Sponsorship- Application & Rubric (Contract Start Date: July 1, 2025)

Transfer of Community School Sponsorship Documents:

Transfer of Community School Sponsorship- Instructions & Timeline (Contract Start Date: July 1, 2025)
Transfer of Community School Sponsorship- Application & Rubric (Contract Start Date: July 1, 2025)
ORC 3314.034 Change of Sponsorship Guidance

Please be sure to complete the correct application above and follow the instructions within each packet. Once completed, please submit your application and all supporting materials electronically to April Samberg, Community School Liaison, at

Please note: In addition to the written application, there is an interview process. The interviews may include the current sponsor of applicants who are either replicators or those seeking a change in sponsor. Click here to view the Community School Applicant and Sponsor Process & Interview.

Renewal Process and Application

This information and guidance is for school sponsored by Bowling Green State University. 

Purpose of a Renewal Application and Process

Charter schools play a critical role in offering families quality school choice. In order to ensure that the choices are indeed quality, charter schools must be held accountable for performance by their sponsors. A strong charter renewal process is critical to protect charter school autonomy, student rights, public interest, and ensures that schools are held to high standards of academic, financial, and organizational performance. It provides schools an opportunity to present clear and compelling evidence demonstrating how they are serving their students and meeting contractual expectations, to determine whether the school has earned renewal based on its performance record. While a school’s past and current record of performance will be the primary focus of BGSU’s renewal decision, the renewal process also provides an opportunity for the school to outline its future plans, priorities, and potential modifications to its charter if renewed.

High Stakes Review Aligned with Performance Framework as the Basis for Renewal

BGSU conducts a high-stakes review that is aligned to the performance framework in the contract as the basis for its renewal decisions. The results of the high-stakes review are evaluated and account for at least 67% percent of the renewal application. The high-stakes review is a rigorous, comprehensive evaluation of a school’s academic, financial and organizational/operational performance over the entire contract term. BGSU feels a key component is academic performance, but the school must also meet financial and organizational/operational standards in order to earn renewal.

Alignment with State and National Standards

BGSU’s renewal process is aligned with state and national standards for quality charter school sponsorship or authorizing. The process is designed to meet the Department of Education and Workforce's “Exemplary” standards for Sponsor Quality Practices concerning the renewal process and renewal decision making, including:

  • BGSU requires all schools seeking renewal to apply through a renewal application.
  • The criteria for renewal are transparent and specific.
  • BGSU has a documented renewal process and a written renewal application with a defined timeline posted on the website.
  • The criteria for renewal include multiple sources of evidence (e.g. multiple years of student achievement; multiple measures of student achievement; financial audits; site visit reports and/or other compliance reports; and if applicable, status reports on corrective action plans or other required interventions).
  • BGSU has specific protocols for evaluating renewal applications that include a rubric with renewal criteria.
  • BGSU utilizes a scoring rubric to evaluate the application including an evaluation of the high-stakes review results that align to the performance framework in the contract.
  • The results of the high-stakes review are evaluated and account for at least 67 percent of the renewal application scoring.
  • The rubric identifies the lowest possible points that an applicant can earn to have its contract renewed.
  • The protocols require each reviewer to score and document the rating for each selection criteria.
  • All reviewers receive training on the protocols and rubrics annually, which includes reviewer calibration.
  • BGSU grants renewal only to schools that are fiscally and operationally viable, have achieved their contractual academic targets and are faithful to the non-academic terms of the contract.
  • BGSU grants renewal to only schools that earn at least 75% of possible points on the renewal rubric.
  • BGSU provides evidence-based recommendations to Deans and Provost regarding renewal decisions.[1]

Likewise, BGSU’s renewal process is designed to meet national professional standards for the renewal process and renewal decision making set forth in the National Association of Charter Schools Authorizers’ (NACSA) Principles & Standards for Quality Charter School Authorizing, including:

Renewal Decisions Based on Merit and Inclusive Evidence

A Quality Authorizer...

  • Bases the renewal process and renewal decisions on thorough analyses of a comprehensive body of objective evidence defined by the performance framework in the charter contract.
  • Grants renewal only to schools that have achieved the standards and targets stated in the charter contract, are organizationally and fiscally viable, and have been faithful to the terms of the contract and applicable law.
  • Does not make renewal decisions, including granting probationary or short-term renewals, on the basis of political or other external pressure or solely on promises of future improvement.

Cumulative Report and Renewal Application

A Quality Authorizer...

  • Provides to each school, in advance of the renewal decision, a cumulative performance report that:

       Summarizes the school's performance record over the contract term; and                                                                            States the authorizer's summative findings concerning the school's performance and its prospects for renewal. 

  • Requires any school seeking renewal to apply for it through a renewal application, which provides the school a meaningful opportunity and reasonable time to respond the the cumulative report; to correct the record, if needed; and to present additional evidence regarding its performance.

Fair, Transparent Process

A Quality Authorizer...

  • Clearly communicates to schools the criteria for charter revocation, renewal, and non-renrewal decisions that are consistent with the charter contract.
  • Promptly notifies each school of its renewal (or, if applicable, revocation) decision, including written expression of the reasons for the decision.
  • Promptly communicates renewal or revocation decisions to the school community and public within a time frame that allows parents and students to exercise choice for the coming school year.
  • Explains in writing any available rights of legal or administrative appeal through which a school may challenge the authorizer's decision.
  • Regularly updates and publishes the process for renewal decision making, including guidance regarding required content and format for renewal applications.

[1] Ohio Department of Education Sponsor Quality Practices Rubric, pp. 27-33

[2] NACSA Principles & Standards for Quality Charter School Authorizing,, at 12-13.

Review Process

The BGSU Application Review Team includes a core group of individuals from BGSU College of Education & Human Development as well as external reviewers with expertise and sponsoring experience to make informed application decisions. Annually, and prior to reviewing applications, the Application Review Team is trained on the application process and materials; reviewer protocols; and the vision, mission, and strategic goals of community school sponsorship at BGSU.  All reviewers sign a Conflict of Interest Disclosure form.  Any reviewer found to have a real or perceived conflict of interest will be excused to ensure impartially in the review.

The rubric contains the application framework and evaluation criteria.  The high stakes review, which accounts for 67% of scoring, along with the essay portion, which accounts for 33% of scoring, are the primary factors for renewal decision-making.  Therefore, the school must present a comprehensive and evidence-based case for renewal.

After evaluating and discussing all the data, each reviewer will individually complete a rubric.  The combined scores and comments will be provided to the school in the final evaluation rubric.  Should the Application Review Team need additional information to make a determination, the school will be contacted during the review period.

Renewal Process Timeline (Contracts ending 6/30/2025)

09/30/2024- Application for Renewal of Community School Sponsorship is submitted via Epicenter

10/01/2024-12/31/2024 Review period and decision-making; high stakes review completed

01/15/2025- School is notified by this date of BGSU recommendation for renewal

02/28/2025- School is sent a Contract Renewal Packet for completion which includes contract templates and attachments

04/30/2025- Contract negotiations are finalized and contract attachments are submitted to BGSU College of Education & Human Development

05/31/2025- Governing authority approves and signs contract; Original, signed contract is returned to BGSU College of Education & Human Development

06/30/2025- Contract is signed by the BGSU Provost and executed

09/30/2025- School year begins by this date or contract is void (Exception: Dropout Prevention and Recovery Programs)

Please click here for a downloadable copy of the Renewal of Sponsorship Instructions and Timeline.
Please click here for a downloadable copy of the Renewal of Sponsorship Application and Rubric.

Resource Links:

State Organizations

Ohio Association of Charter School Authorizers
An organization focused on promoting sponsor excellence, effectiveness and efficiency to create and maintain high-quality community schools through quality oversight and support.

Department of Education & Workforce (DEW)- Community Schools
Includes links to community school resources at DEW

National Organizations

National Charter School Resource Center
The National Charter School Resource Center (Resource Center) serves as a national center to provide on-demand resources, information and technical assistance to support successful planning, authorizing, implementation and sustainability of high-quality charter schools; to share evaluations on the effects of charter schools; and to disseminate information about successful practices in charter schools.

National Association of Charter School Authorizers
An organization dedicated to improving public education by improving the policies and practices of the organizations responsible for authorizing charter schools.

National Alliance for Public Charter Schools
The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools is a leading national nonprofit organization committed to advancing the charter school movement. The Alliance provides assistance to state charter school associations and resource centers, develops and advocates for improved public policies, and serves as the united voice for this large and diverse movement.

Center for Education Reform
The Center is a leading advocate for structural and sustainable changes to improve educational opportunities in the U.S.

Special Education Links

Department of Education & Workforce - Special Education
Links to resources on teaching students with disabilities; special education funding, data and accountability; and other special education resources for parents and administrators.

State Support Teams
There are 16 State Support Teams in Ohio focused on school improvement, special education compliance, postsecondary transition, early learning and school readiness, and parent and family involvement. To assist stakeholders in their work, the State Support Teams provide tools, resources, technical assistance and high-quality professional development activities.

Council for Exceptional Children
The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving the educational success of individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents.

National Association of State Directors of Special Education
NASDSE works with state education agencies to align policies and proven practices in order to ensure students with disabilities are afforded full participation in their education and successful transition to post-school education, employment and independent living.

Center for Parent Information and Resources
CPIR is a central source of information on disabilities in infants, toddlers, children, and youth.

National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials
Provides resources for school personnel to assist students with disabilities participate in general education.

Updated: 11/13/2024 12:20PM