Virtual Simulations
Virtual simulations allow learners to gain practical experience without actually being in a professional field setting. Programs can use simulations in-person or remotely through Zoom. Simulations can be delivered to any classroom. The Virtual Simulations Training Center, located in 213A Education Building, is also available for programs to use for virtual simulations.
Our list of Virtual Simulation Current Offerings describes the simulations we can offer with a short amount of lead time. With more planning time, we can customize a simulation for you.
If you are interested in utilizing one of our Current Offerings, email Please note that approximately 4 weeks lead time is needed for simulation development.
Simulation Specialists

Elementary Declaration of Independence Lesson Introduction
This recording shows a student leading a lesson to 3rd grade avatars. The lesson starts by connecting to prior knowledge then focuses on examining the text of the Declaration of Independence. The avatars read lines from the Declaration on their iPads, work in pairs to discuss the lines, and identify synonyms for some words in the Preamble.
Youth Mental Health First Aid Applications Simulation
In this video, BGSU Lead Virtual Simulation Specialist Jarod Mariani demonstrates the Youth Mental Health First Aid simulation. It should be noted that this is merely a demo of what the simulation could look like. Jarod is not trained in Youth Mental Health First Aid, this video is only meant to show how such a simulation might be conducted. Tyler - BGSU Graduate Assistant Jasmine Schmenk
First Meeting with Personal Trainer Simulation
This simulation is designed to practice the initial meeting with a new or prospective client. Please note that Dylan is not an actual trainer and is simply playing the role of the learner for this demonstration.
Updated: 10/22/2024 03:47PM