Donate to HESA
If you would like to donate to one of the HESA funds, go to Donate Now or mail a check with your preferred account number to:
Department of Higher Education and Student Affairs
310 Education Building
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403
Please consider contributing to the following funds:
Diversity Enhancement Fund (#301064) established by Dr. Carolyn Palmer, supports professional development activities for students, faculty, and staff members in developing multicultural appreciation or diversity competencies.
Dr. Bettina Shuford College Student Personnel (#302111) established by Tiffany J. Davis (CSP ‘06) and C. J. Mathis (CSP ‘09), provides support for professional development and mentoring by Black alumni to a first-year CSP student.
Dr. Carney Strange Scholarship (#301568) established by Kathy Cleveland Bull (CSP ‘85) and awarded to outstanding HESA students.
Dr. Carolyn Palmer Adult Learner Contribution Scholarship (#301862) established by adult learner focus students Rose Marie Ackerman ‘06, Kathleen Jensen ‘06, Lee Ann Koenigbauer ‘06, Shannon Spencer ‘07, and Cathy Willoughby ‘06 and awarded to a HESA student for contributions to adult learning through research, projects, and/or promotion of best practices.
Dr. Carolyn Palmer Diversity Enhancement Scholarship (302249) established by Dr. Palmer to support the recruitment of students who will advocate for equity, diversity, social justice, and/or inclusion in the CSP program
Dr. Donald D. Gehring Global Leadership Fund (#300316) supports overseas travel for doctoral students to fulfill the global understanding requirement.
Fayetta M. Paulsen Award (#300857) supports qualified graduate students in both the CSP and HIED programs to cover professional development, research, or job-search needs.
Gerald Saddlemire Scholarship (#300985) is awarded to an undergraduate student who has been actively involved in student affairs at BGSU.
HESA Scholarship in Honor Dr. Michael D. Coomes (#302447) was established in 2014 as the CSP Student Support Fund, and in honor of Mike's retirement and his tireless advocacy for students, we renamed the fund as the Dr. Michael D. Coomes Scholarship. This year, 100% of current CSP students and many HIED students donated to the fund. To learn more and donate, please click here.
Higher Education and Student Affairs Fund (#300293) provides general support for program activities, BGSDA student organization, educational materials, and recruiting.
Higher Education Program Fund (#300519) provides general support for program activities, HEADS student organization, educational resources, dissertation expenses, and recruiting.
Jill A. Carr Higher Education Administration Book Award (#301590) established by Dr. Jodi Devine (HIED ‘01) and Eric Devine, provides book scholarship support for full-time, first-year HIED students.
Student Professional Development Scholarship (#300294) supports graduate students’ attendance at conferences and professional development activities
Updated: 01/05/2024 10:28AM