'Digital Mirror' computer camp for girls

BOWLING GREEN, O.—“The Digital Mirror,” a computer camp for 20 girls in grades 6-8 is being held this week (Aug. 8-11) at Bowling Green State University.

Participants in the three-day camp will stay in campus residence halls and be immersed in computer technology for three days. Through a blend of hands-on computer lab work in writing and designing for the Web, digital imaging, and video and audio editing, the girls will explore how technology has become a vital part of academic and professional careers.

University women from across campus whose careers involve technology will serve as mentors to the students, who also will have access to the resources of COSI Toledo.

“This is an excellent opportunity for community engagement on the part of women faculty, students and staff,” according to Dr. Kristine Blair, chair of the English department and co-developer and director of the camp. “A number of research studies, including those by the AAUW (American Association of University Women), suggest that it is during early adolescence that girls begin receiving cultural messages that technology is not for them.

“It is wonderful that we have so much campus and community support, with over 20 girls signed up to participate from schools in both Wood and Lucas counties,” she added. “We've also had supply donations from Atomic Learning, Verizon, the University of Findlay's Teaching, Learning and Technology Center, and our University Bookstore.” While this is the first summer for the camp, plans are already under way to make it an annual event at BGSU, she said.

Among campus units cosponsoring the camp are the Institute for the Study of Culture and Society, the Graduate College, the Office of the Executive Vice President, the School of Art, the Student Technology Center and the Department of English. In addition, the camp has received support from the American Association of University Women and COSI Toledo.

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(Posted August 07, 2007)

Updated: 12/02/2017 01:15AM