Application Process

Applications should consist of:

  • A cover sheet containing the following information: name, rank/title, mailing address, email address, phone number, the title of the project, projected dates of travel, and the total amount of funding requested. Please note, when planning travel dates, that the hours for CAC are weekdays, 8AM-5PM. The CAC is not open on weekends or evenings and may have special hours during semester breaks and for holidays. Grants will be made for any amount up to the maximum amount allowed per grant ($1,500) (1 page);
  • A narrative description of the project, including an explanation of how onsite use of collections is essential to successful completion of the project. Specify which collections will be used; the projected timeline, including approximate dates of travel; expected outcome(s) of the research, and how it will be made available (for example: publication of a book or journal article, thesis/dissertation, conference presentation, development of a course, etc.) (1-2 pages);
  • A budget for travel, lodging, meals, and other expenses for which the applicant is requesting reimbursement (1 page); and
  • CV, resume, artist statement, or other supporting documentation that lists or summarizes your relevant experience, education, accomplishments, or work (3 pages maximum).
  • For student applicants, please include a letter of recommendation from an advisor, thesis director, professor, or mentor who is a good judge of the student's work (1-2 pages)

Please send all materials as email attachments to Michelle Sweetser, with “Research Travel Grants” in the subject line. Questions about the grants may also be addressed to the same address.

The deadline for applications is May 31, 2024. Grants will be awarded for travel between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025.

Evaluation Process

Applications will be evaluated by a panel composed of the Head of the CAC and two or more additional archivists.

Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Evidence of an appropriate range and depth of CAC collections to be used;
  • Significance and originality of the proposed research;
  • Feasibility of the project within time constraints;
  • Plans for making the results of the research available to the public; and
  • A well-supported budget for travel.

Updated: 04/02/2024 04:47PM