Department of Engineering Technologies
Welcome to the Department of Engineering Technologies (ENGtechs) at Bowling Green State University. We offer seven undergraduate programs and three graduate programs; each designed to prepare students for meaningful careers.
At the very core of our mission is the highest quality education in engineering technology that is current and relevant to our stakeholders. We strive to ensure that all our graduates have a strong technical background with teamwork and leadership skills, problem solving and communication skills, involvement in extra-curricular activities, and the practical background of co-op and internship experiences. We believe that emphasizing these areas will prepare our students work-ready on day one of their jobs and make well qualified to take leadership roles in the future.
Led by highly qualified faculty with significant industry experience, each area is charged to maintain a curriculum that prepares the technology leaders in their fields of endeavor. Our education programs are very hands-on, experiential, life-long learning focused, and enjoy an excellent synergetic partnership with local industries. Our ECET and ENGT programs are ETAC-ABET accredited. Currently we are pursuing ABET accreditation for Mechatronics and QS programs, and AABI accreditation for all of our Aviation programs.
Feel free to contact us at either or 419-372-2439 for additional information or to schedule a visit.

Aviation Studies: Aviation Management and Operations
The Aviation Management and Operations (AMO) specialization focuses on the business aspects of the aviation industry with coursework covering law, air traffic control regulations, construction, planning design, public relations, accounting and economics.

Aviation Studies: Flight Technology and Operations
The Flight Technology and Operations (FTO) specialization is designed to educate and train professional pilots. In addition to being trained as commercial pilots, the students also study general education subjects, aircraft systems, crew concepts, management, and administration.

Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology
ECET is a comprehensive study of diverse areas such as computer hardware and interfacing; digital communication and networking; computer-based instrumentation, data acquisition and process control. Emphasis is placed on the practical application of physics, mathematics and computer science.

Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology
MMET combines relevant contemporary theories with a strong foundation in mathematics and science to prepare technical managers for exciting and in-demand careers such as process engineer, applications engineer, quality engineer, and manager of research and development, among others.

Mechatronics Engineering Technology
MET prepares graduates for successful careers and expertise in a broad spectrum of the field in the area associated with the analysis, applied design, development, implementation, automation and management of advanced mechatronics and robotics system technologies.

Systems Engineering
The systems engineering (SYE) program is a multidisciplinary engineering discipline that is highly demanding and compensated. Unlike traditional engineering, this program takes a holistic approach to designing and improving complex systems such as manufacturing, logistics, retail service and healthcare systems. This program emphasizes engineering design, systems integration, modeling, problem-solving, teamwork and communication skills in order to prepare students for the tasks of their future professions in the field.

Quality Systems (online)
QS major emphasizes quality principles designed to provide professional preparation for emerging leaders in change and improvement while integrating science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (STEM).
Undergraduate Admission Process
Financial Aid
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We have a strong graduate program in technology management. The Master of Technology Management (MTM), with specializations in Engineering Technology (ENGT) and Quality Systems (QS), programs blend technology with the fields of manufacturing, engineering, quality, and management to prepare graduates to work in the era of technology. We also have a consortium Ph.D. program in technology management with Indiana State University as the host. Our faculty and graduate students are engaged in applied research and publish their research in relevant peer reviewed engineering and technology journals.

Engineering Technology
The goal of the Master of Technology Management degree, with a specialization in engineering technology [ENGT], is to provide students with advanced skills and technical knowledge. Individuals develop the ability to conduct applied research, along with leadership skill for managing and directing projects. The MTM-ENGT degree has specialized classes and experiences in engineering technology along with research methods, management strategies, and green design tools for today's professionals.

Logistics Systems Engineering
The BGSU Master of Science in Logistics Systems Engineering (MS-LSE) is an interdisciplinary program that blends business and engineering skills to solve complex problems in logistics, systems engineering, production design and healthcare systems. It prepares students for a variety of positions by giving them the ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints.

Quality Systems
The goal of the Master of Technology Management degree, with a specialization in quality systems [QS], is to provide students with a professional preparation as leaders and managers where they can conduct applied research and participate in technical projects in an online team-based environment. The MTM-QS degree emphasizes lean and six sigma as “high-end” research and analytical methods and as innovative management strategies for professionals from various disciplines. This degree is delivered completely online using the state of the art digital communication technology.
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's of Technology Management (Specializing in Engineering Technology, and Electronic and Computer Technology) |
Technology Management (consortium) |
Quality Systems certification (online) |
The Department of Engineering Technologies (DET) provides highest quality education to a diverse student population needed to succeed in the global marketplace. Through the dedication of faculty to student learning, DET prepares regionally, nationally and globally competitive and competent graduates actively sought by employers. The department's success is reflected in the success of its alumni, who are known for their leadership and commitment to high professional standards. DET is positioned for applied research and external funding.
The Department of Engineering Technologies (DET) will be renowned nationally and internationally for high quality applied research and education in engineering technology in partnership with regional and global businesses.
While serving our stakeholders and conducting our daily operations, we hold the following values to be important and the driving force of our department.
We value...
- our students as core
customers. As such, faculty are building a very diverse and inclusive
teaching and learning environment, which grooms students professionally,
but also engages students well beyond the traditional classroom, in
disciplined ways.
- student learning and academic success as our highest priority. It affects every aspect of our curriculum development, delivery of materials, and investment in equipment and facilities.
- a strong set of soft skills coupled with technical skills for our students. The organizations that hire our co-op’s, and then graduates, consistently look for well-rounded graduates with both skill sets.
- our faculty and staff as the primary drivers of the teaching-learning process. We uplift the faculty and staff we have attracted and developed, and we support high professional standards and ethical attributes.
- applied research in and out of the traditional classroom. This provides a fabric for faculty to continue lifelong learning, and to enrich learning experiences by engaging students, external mentors and faculty, in teams.
- high quality degree programs that are accredited by highest standard accrediting agencies. Bodies like AABI and ABET provides the credibility and recognition for a competitive marketplace for our graduates.
- strong relationships with the community including local industries and regional secondary and post-secondary educational institutions.
Updated: 03/13/2024 03:43PM