Laser Cutting and Engraving

Laser cutterThe Collab Lab has a Universal Laser engraver and cutter with a 60 watt laser and an 18 X 32 table.

A BGSU ID and the Universal Certification Card are required to use this equipment.

Appointments available Weekdays 8:30 am - 5:00 pm.

Appointment required to use this equipment.

When using the Universal Laser, you must stay with the machine for the entire print. If you walk away, an employee will stop the machine to prevent a fire. If you break the machine, you will be assessed the cost to repair or replace it.


You must attend a training in order to use the Universal Laser. After the training, you will receive a Universal Certification Card.

Trainings last 60 minutes and you will complete a small project. Please schedule a training appointment.  Appointments available Weekdays 8:30 am - 5:00 pm.

Universal Template

This Adobe Illustrator document has the correct color swatches and the size of our laser's table. Black raster engraves, blue vector engraves, and red creates the cut lines. The red lines must be .001 pt.

Download the Universal Template (.ai)

Purchasing Materials

Once you’ve received a Universal Certification Card, you can purchase approved materials from the Circulation Desk.

If you supply your own material, you must bring the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Materials can be purchased at Home Depot, Lowes, BG Art Supply Depo, or on Amazon.

Approved Materials

  • Natural Wood (can cut 1/4 inch)
    • Oak, Pine, Cedar, Maple, Balsa, Alder, Cherry, Birch, Basswood, etc.
    • Avoid oily/resinous wood
  • Plywood (can cut 1/8 inch)
    • Birch plywood recommended
  • Marble
  • Glass (no plastics in it)
  • Paper/cardstock
    • Matboard
    • Chardboard
    • Chipboard
  • Acrylic (can cut ¼ inch)
    • Optix
    • Plastikote
    • Plexiglas brand
  • Natural cork (not engineered)
  • Jean material (wet down first)

Purchase Anodized metals in library (engrave only)

Banned Materials

  • Any painted materials
  • Oily/resinous wood
  • Plastics
  • PVC, Corrugated Plastic, ABS, PLA, HDPE (Milk bottle), PET, PETG, Delrin, etc.
  • MDF or any other engineered wood
  • Masonite, Bending Plywood, Tropical Hardwoods
  • Polycarbonate
  • Foam, Styrene, Polystyrene, PolyPropylene, Depron, Gator, Foam Core
  • Fiberglass
  • Nylon, Polyester, Vinyl, Leather
  • Corian
  • No Shiny Metals

Updated: 06/05/2023 09:44AM