Assessment & Appraisal of Records

Most decisions about records are based on an assessment of the record's legal, administrative, fiscal, and historical value. 

The BGSU Records Manager can conduct records assessment to help BGSU employees identify university records (both paper and electronic) held by an office or unit and to determine their appropriate retention periods.  Appraisal of materials for historical value can be done at the same time.  The process can be started by a department or unit by completing a Records Inventory Form for each record series maintained by the department/unit.  These forms will then be used to map the records series to the General Retention Schedule or to create a unit-specific schedule.

Additional guidance can be provided by the University Records Manager on topics such as e-mail management, shared drive management, filing systems, the values of scanning and microfilming, considerations when creating a scanning program, records destruction matters, and other related matters. 

Please contact the University Archivist to further discuss having a records assessment performed for your office.

Updated: 06/05/2023 09:31AM