Student Portfolio: Tips & Samples

Need a simple, easy-to-create portfolio?

  1. Gather/Organize your works together in one place.
  2. Decide which works to include (7-12 is average).
  3. Convert these to PDF files.
  4. Create a simple cover page.
  5. Combine PDFs into a single PDF file, cover page is first. 
  6. Name the file “1stName_LastName_Portfolio”  E.g. “Jamie_Smith_Portfolio” 

PORTFOLIO-BUILDING WEBSITES (in no particular order):

Points-to-Ponder When Creating Your Portfolio:

  1. Be sure to illustrate self-reflection and growth in your chosen pieces.
  2. Content “proves” your talent and skills to an employer/audience.
  3. Combines all life-experiences into one collection.
  4. Be positive.  Glass half-full, always.
  5. Demonstrate intellect in combining classroom learning with professional experience.

Updated: 01/17/2024 11:14AM