
Cooperative education integrates academic coursework with industry related experience throughout the students college career. These experiences allow the student to apply knowledge learned in the classroom to real world experience and integral to their academic and career development. For over 50 years the cooperative education program has played a vital role in providing a pipeline of talent for industry. All College of Technology, Architecture and Applied Engineering undergraduate programs require students to complete one-three co-op requirements depending on their major so that they gain the experience needed for entry level positions in their industry.
Employer partner involvement and mentorship are highly valued and crucial to the mission and goals of the cooperative education program. The Office of Cooperative Education is committed to assisting employers with recruiting students and alumni in the best way possible.
- The co-op student is assigned job duties related to their major.
- The employer offers the student full-time work (40 hours a week) lasting one semester (approximately four months) (part-time option is (20 hours a week) lasting two consecutive semesters.
- The student should be supervised by an employee who can act as a mentor for the student, someone that student can learn from.
- The employer completes a midterm and final evaluation on the student's performance.
- The employer meets with the students assigned co-op faculty representative (virtually, by phone or face to face) once during the student's co-op semester. The students assigned co-op faculty representative will schedule the meeting.
- The student receives compensation for their employment.
- The Office of Cooperative Education does not sanction unpaid co-ops/internships. Unpaid co-ops/internships further disadvantage marginalized students therefore, the co-op office advocates that all students are compensated for the skills, talents and contributions they offer. United States Department of Labor.
- To protect the student, the employer should practice ethical standards that follow the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSH Act) as directed by the United States Department of Labor.
- All employers are expected to comply with laws enforced by the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
- Essentially, there should be no major difference between a co-op employee and a full-time/entry-level employee, this is the essence of the co-op experience.
- Determine when you need students. (Link to semester schedule).
- Offer opportunities that align with the cooperative education requirements, mission and goals as well as entry level opportunities for upcoming and recent graduates.
- Promote opportunities to students
- Hire students for positions that align with the cooperative education requirements, goals and mission as well as entry level positions for graduates.
- Connect with the Kuhlin Hub for Career Design and Connections at
- Sign up for Handshake (online recruiting system). Create a profile and post opportunities and connect with students. For the most efficient assistance with using Handshake and other options for connecting with the Kuhlin Hub call 419-372-2356 or email careerservices@bgsu.edu.
- Create and update an employer profile
- Connect with potential job candidates
- Post co-ops, internships and full-time employment opportunities
- Review applicant pool
- Schedule on campus interviews
- Sign up for career fairs and events hosted by the Career Center
- Sign up for Handshake (online recruiting system). Create a profile and post opportunities and connect with students. For the most efficient assistance with using Handshake and other options for connecting with the Kuhlin Hub call 419-372-2356 or email careerservices@bgsu.edu.
2. The Office of Cooperative Education can send notices to students about opportunities on behalf of employers. Emaiil coop@bgsu.edu with the following details and we will send notice to appropriate students on the employers behalf.
- Position title, description, location, pay rate, etc.
- Employer contact information
- Employer company information (website, mission statement, etc.)
- Deadline Date: Date employer would like to receive student resumes (set in coordination with co-op semester dates and deadlines)
- How students should apply
The Employer reviews resumes to determine which students are chosen to interview for the available position. Kuhlin Hub for Career Design and Connections or the Office of Cooperative Education may offer some assistance with scheduling on-campus interviews.
Yes, Please stay in contact and reach out as needed with questions and for assistance with recruiting students from the College of Technology, Architecture and Applied Engineering.
Feel free to contact coop@bgsuedu to request an emaiil announcements to students as often as needed.
- When/Semester co-op/intern/upcoming graduate needed
- Title of position
- Name of Company
- Website of Company
- Location of Company and position if different
- Pay Rate and other amenities
- How students should apply
- Other information/description/requirements
Manage your Handshake account and post new positions as they are available and sign up for Kuhlin Hub for Career Design and Connections hosted Career Fairs and Events.
1. The Kuhlin Hub for Career Design and Connections led Career Fairs and Employer Events (Sign up in Handshake or contact at 419-372-2356 or careerservices@bgsu.edu.
2. Connect with CTAAE Student Organizations faculty advisors and student officers for information about student led activities, events and career fairs. *The construction management job fair is a student led event, hosted by Student Construction Management Association (SCMA) and offered each fall.
4. Faculty connections for possible classroom announcements or guest speaker opportunities. Contact faculty directly to request to be a guest speaker. List of CTAAE Faculty can be found under the CTAAE about tab.
5. Co-op social media site announcements (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn).
6. Contact University Advancement for other opportunities to support students, the College and the University.
Email coop@bgsu.edu, call 419-372-7581, or stop by room 207 of the Technology Building.
“The co-op program has benefited Marathon Oil Company in the following ways: It gives us an economical means of addressing cyclic manpower needs. It allows MOC to evaluate students for potential long-term employment. The co-op program benefits the students in the following ways: The students are able to take their classroom training and apply it in business situations. It allows the student to demonstrate his/her abilities above and beyond a resume for future employment.”
- Marathon Oil Company
“We view the co-op program at BGSU as not only a way to fill short-term project needs with qualified individuals, but also as a recruiting tool. We look at our involvement in this program as a two way street. We get the opportunity to see a student’s capability and work habits first-hand to see if it meshes with our needs. The student in turn gets a realistic view of our company and can determine if our work environment could meet their permanent employment needs after graduation.”
- Rudolph-Libbe
This program encourages shared growth. As we help shape tomorrow's leaders by giving varied and challenging opportunities to make positive impact on our company, they assist us in sharing current technology and being a valued team member.
-The Andersons
Updated: 02/12/2025 03:41PM