Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a system of lending items to other libraries for the use of their patrons. You can request books, journal articles/book chapters, music scores, DVDs, and more, and we will find a library from which to borrow the item. Journal articles or book chapters are typically delivered electronically within 24 hours. Physical items like print books that must be shipped to us arrive in 7-10 days. There is no cost to you to use this service.

If you have problems with or questions about ILL, email or call 419-372-8726.

Log in to Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Requesting Items

The easiest way is to request an item is by using Summon. Search for the item and then select the link that says “Get it Now (Interlibrary loan request)”. This will take you to an ILL page that is pre-populated with the item’s information.

You can also log into the ILL system and then click “Create a New Request.” Fill in as much information as you have about the item.

  • Copy (Article/Book Chapter) – Use this option to request a single journal article or a book chapter, usually no more than 50 pages. It will be delivered electronically as a PDF file.
  • Loan (Book) – Use this option to request an entire book, CD, DVD, or music score. The physical item will be mailed to the Jerome Library.

Before requesting books, music scores, theses, or dissertations from ILL, please check the following locations. If a copy is available, it will be a quicker option than ILL.

You will get an email when your item is received.

Fees and Fines


BGSU does not charge patrons for requesting or receiving items through ILL.

While some libraries charge BGSU for items they lend to us, we do not pass that cost along to you. We encourage you to request any item you need for your research or scholarship.


You may be charged fines for overdue items. The cost is determined by the institution that owns the item.

You will not be fined if your ILL item becomes overdue while waiting to find out if a renewal request has been approved. If the renewal request is denied, you are expected to return the book to the library within 2 business days.

Lost Items

Lost item charges are also determined by the lender and will be applied to your Bursar account in the event that a book is substantially overdue (more than 30 days). 

Updated: 07/30/2024 09:46AM