Online Submission
Online Submission is Open.
This service is not available on weekends, holidays, or during University breaks.
Please be aware that submitted drafts are schedule for the next available appointment time. We will do our best to return your draft to you, but during times of high submissions, you may not receive your feedback for 48 hours.
Drafts submitted after 3pm on Friday will not be processed until Monday morning.
If you are unable to come to the Learning Commons in person, you can submit a piece of writing for an online consultation.
A writing consultant will read over your work, provide feedback, and send the document back to you within 48 hours. This is different than a virtual session, where you would video chat with a writing consultant.
To schedule a virtual session, please call 419-372-2823.
Please note:
An online session functions in place of an in-person consultation; each session lasts for 50 minutes, like an in-person appointment. Students with essays longer than 6-8 pages are strongly encouraged to schedule an in-person appointment to discuss their writing. Longer essays may call for multiple online appointments, and writers should allow for a 72-hour response time. Additionally, we reserve the right to decline an online consultation in favor of an in-person session if the submission does not lend itself to asynchronous feedback.
Please know that by submitting your paper, you are granting permission for The Writing Center and The Learning Commons staff to use your paper for staff training and other educational purposes.
We respect your intellectual property and will not publish or display your paper anywhere without your explicit permission. Further, we value your privacy and will remove all personal and identifying information and keep your personal information confidential. By submitting your paper using the web form, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms outlined in this disclaimer.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at or 419-372-2823
Updated: 07/22/2024 09:36AM