
Bowling Green State University provides a comprehensive benefit program for you and your family as a part of your total rewards package. These plans are reviewed annually to maintain competitiveness while being cost effective. In addition, the university is committed to provide faculty and staff well-being programs and resources designed to promote both physical and mental wellness, financial stability, and continuous training opportunities. 

Please review the Benefits at a Glance for basic information on what is offered.  For full details, please review each tab in this section.  Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information on this site. However, if any provision is unclear or inconsistency exists between this site and the written plan or contract, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern.

How to enroll or see your current elections?

If you are in an eligible enrollment period such as being newly hired, having a life event, or the annual open enrollment, you will find the enrollment tool by logging into the myBGSU portal.  When you click on Employees, the Benefits Information section is on the lower left hand side.  Under Benefits Information, you will see the link to begin a Life Event, to review your Benefit Summary, and the Benefit Enrollment link for new hires or to be used for open enrollment.  Remember, each type of enrollment event has a deadline.  The Benefits Summary page can be reviewed at any time during the year to review your information and/or update your life insurance beneficiaries.

Benefit Enrollment Deadlines

Deadlines for new enrollments, life events, and Open Enrollment are firm. 

  • New employees who are eligible for benefits must enroll by the 30th day of their employment. 
  • Life Events must be completed within 30 days from the date of the event.
  • The Open Enrollment Deadline is always the Friday before Thanksgiving.

Please note that the 30 day window of opportunity for new employees and Life Events includes evenings, weekends and holidays.  For Life Events, please review the information in the Life Event section for all instructions and deadline information.

If you need assistance with enrolling, please stop by the Office of Human Resources during normal business hours or call us at 419-372-8421.

Dependent Eligibility

Each insurance plan states who is eligible for that coverage.  In addition, BGSU requires documentation as proof of dependency to add your dependents to your coverage.  Documentation is required at initial enrollment for each dependent.  In addition, an annual spousal certification form is required to cover a spouse on your health insurance.  Please review the dependent eligibility information in detail prior to enrolling. 

Updated: 01/23/2025 09:16AM