
Learn about ATMAE Accreditation at
Program Learning Outcomes
- PLO1: Demonstrate effective communication skills through oral, written, and technologically-mediated communications.
- PLO2: Demonstrate strong problem solving, investigative, creative, and critical thinking skills.
- PLO3: Apply written, oral, and graphical communication in broadly defined technical and non-technical environments, and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature.
- PLO4: Evaluate current leadership theory and practices to promote and ensure a fair, equitable, and inclusive work environment for all employees.
- PLO5: Apply the requisite skills to function effectively as a member, as well as a leader, on technical and project teams.
- PLO6: Integrate technical cognate skills and M&T program learning outcomes, to formulate new career goals and aspirations.

Learn about ATMAE Accreditation at
Program Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in the visual communication technology major are expected to:
- PLO1: Demonstrate critical-thinking skills as they relate to solving visual technology problems.
- PLO2: Conceptualize and implement a visual technology solution in several media modes.
- PLO3: Demonstrate operational level skill ability in each of the visual media areas of VCT.
- PLO4: Research and produce an organized written rationale for using a specific medium to solve a specific visual technology problem.
- PLO5: Apply knowledge of industrial applications to visual communication related technologies.

Updated: 07/13/2023 03:38PM