professional development opportunities - Archived 2017-18 Graduate Catalog

Graduate Student Orientation (GSO) is a two part series of seminars that is intended to promote graduate student success and community engagement by: 1) acclimating new graduate students to essential campus resources; and 2) ensuring students with graduate assistantships are in compliance with Bowling Green State University employment policies and procedures.  All graduate students, as well as faculty, are welcome to attend these sessions.

Cooperative education and internships provide an opportunity to for students to gain professionally relevant experience in business, industry, government, or nonprofit organizations. Academic credit may be awarded for the off-campus work experience, subject to approval from the academic area and the Graduate College.

Cooperative education (co-ops) offers “earn-while-you-learn” opportunities that take you beyond the classroom to a wide range of companies and organizations in locations around the country. Co-ops can help you pay tuition, get on-the-job training and enrich your education. Internships offer a venue to apply classroom content to the work environment. Students with any major can complete co-ops or internships at BGSU.

The Career Center can help students identify and document cooperative education and internship experiences.

Updated: 10/23/2019 03:00PM