Honors Tutorial Course

Make a class an Honors Class!

The Honors Tutorial will provide students the opportunity to enroll in an Honors section of a pre-existing non-Honors course at the University. In addition to the regular course work required, students must arrange a special learning opportunity with the instructor of the designated course. This learning opportunity may take the form of an extra meeting time, a research project, or a specialized paper.

Students enrolling in classes that utilize the following experiential learning opportunities are encouraged to consider a Honors Tutorial: education abroad, service learning, undergraduate research, or internship/co-op. Please meet with your Honors advisor to discuss these opportunities in detail and to determine whether the Tutorial or Independent Study best meet your needs.

All petitions for approval must indicate how the work being completed meets at least one of the BGSU Honors College Learning Outcomes: Critical Thinking, Oral Communication, Written Communication, or Integrative Learning.

Honors College Learning Outcomes:

a)            Oral Communication: imparting thoughts, opinions, and/or arguments in a clear concise manner through a prepared, purposeful presentation designed to increase knowledge, to foster understanding, or to promote change in the listeners' attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors.

b)            Written Communication: imparting thoughts, opinions, and/or arguments in a clear concise manner and the development and expression of ideas in writing. Written communication involves learning to work in many genres and styles. It can involve working with many different writing technologies, and mixing texts, data, and images. Written communication abilities develop through iterative experiences across the curriculum.

c)            Integrative Learning: an understanding and a disposition that a student builds across the curriculum and co-curriculum, from making simple connections among ideas and experiences to synthesizing and transferring learning to new, complex situations within and beyond the campus.

d)            Critical Thinking: the ability to evaluate an argument, to be aware of the process involved in evaluating an argument and to come to some conclusion with respect to that argument. Critical thinking allows one to recognize the biases and values that underlie arguments and how these values and biases can shape decisions. 

Please have already discussed making this class a tutorial with the faculty of the course and the project/honors work set up before you complete this form. Also, please make sure you are enrolled in the section of the course (non honors). We cannot set up a tutorial unless you have talked to your faculty and are already enrolled in the non honors section of the class.

Pay attention to the form deadlines per semester: Summer: April 1st, Fall: July 1st, Spring: December 1st.

Honors Tutorial Request Form

Honors Tutorial Examples

After meeting with my course instructor, we discussed several methods for me to reach my Honors College Learning Outcomes and the following expectations. Specifically, we discussed how I can make my honors contribution relate to my major (Digital Arts). Two of the outcomes I would like to achieve are the Written Communication and Integrative Learning goals. For the geology course, I will potentially be creating visual diagrams, graphics, or animations that replicate geographic processes. This can range such as volcanic eruptions, sublimation, earthquakes, tectonic plates, etc. I would also include written information alongside the visuals, to incorporate many mediums and synthesize my ideas learned from the course and textbook materials.

When discussing with the professor on how to implement additional coursework to make this an honors class, we decided to work with the oral communication, integrative learning and critical thinking outcomes. Since this is a math course and fully online, we decided that I would create videos of me working through word problems. The videos will be uploaded for my peers to see, such as an online presentation.

My learning opportunity would resemble a Harvard Business School Case Study Paper assignment that would enable me to make meaningful recommendations on strategies that promote effectiveness for a particular company. This will include critical thinking to form well thought out and creative ideas, as well as written communication of my concepts and arguments through my paper.

Updated: 09/18/2024 01:40PM