Honors Course Grade Appeals

The Honors College has designated a faculty member to receive grade-related grievances from students. This person, known as an ombudsperson, is appointed by the Dean of the College to hear complaints, gather information, talk with both students and faculty, mediate disputes (when possible), and/or identify appropriate channels for solving problems. The ombudsperson is an independent, confidential, and impartial resource for students enrolled in the Honors College and is not empowered to modify grades; that power rests with the faculty member of record in any given course.  

Students who have a grade-related grievance in an Honors course should first contact the faculty member of record for their course and attempt to resolve the grievance at that level. If the matter is not resolved between those parties, then the student should contact the Honors College Ombudsperson, who will hear the grievance and attempt to mediate a resolution at that level. If the matter involves the Ombudsperson or remains unresolved after involving the Ombudsperson, then the student should state the full particulars of the grievance in writing and submit to the Honors College Dean. 

The Ombudsperson is Dr. Heath Diehl. Dr. Diehl’s contact information is williad@bgsu.edu

The Honors College Dean is Dr. Simon Morgan Russell. Dr. Morgan-Russell’s contact information is smorgan@bgsu.edu.

Updated: 08/03/2021 10:08AM