In Brief: July 21

BGBookBag to hold virtual meetings in August

The BGBookBag Professional Development Book Club provides an opportunity to enjoy a good book while building professional skills. Open to all BGSU employees, the August discussions will be virtual meetings over the lunch hour.

In August, the club will read “The Dream Manager” and “Off Balance,” by Matthew Kelly. Both meetings are will be held from noon to 1 p.m. Aug. 11 and Aug. 25.

September’s book is “Difficult Conversations,” by Douglas Stone. Meetings will be held Sept. 8 and Sept. 22, location to be announced.

Watch Zoom News and Campus Update for the rest of the fall schedule.

For more information or to enroll, contact Suzi Saunders, human resources training specialist, at 419-372-2126 or

Updated: 12/02/2017 12:34AM