New Course Process
- Grading method
- A/F
- S/U only
- A/B/C/NC (no credit)
- S/NC (no credit)
- Lecture (LE)
- Seminar (SE)
- Lab (LB)
- Practicum (PR)
- Studio (ST)
- Tutorial (TU)
- Discussion (DI)
- Recitation (RE)
- Clinical (CL)
- Field Experience (FE)
- Individual Studies (IS)
- Self-Paced (SP)
- Lecture/Lab (LE/LB)
- Discussion/Recitation (DI/RE)
- Lecture/Recitation (LE/RE)
- Seminar/Field Experience (SE/FE)
- Tutorial/Self-Paced (TU/SP)
- Lecture/Lab/Recitation (LE/LB/RE)
- Lecture/Recitation/Practicum (LE/RE/PR)
- Other (OT)
- Provide a list of course learning outcomes (LOs). LOs should be measurable, draw on BGSU’s Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy chart, and reflect the range of cognitive levels a student is expected to develop over the semester.
- Please attach a syllabus that includes the following elements:
- Course description
- Learning outcomes
- Overview of course content
- Primary instructional strategies (e.g., lecture, discussion)
- Plan for evaluating student performance (e.g., assignments, discussion posts, exams)
- Required reading materials or example readings for courses taught by multiple instructors, including library resources
- Demonstrated connection between course assessments and learning outcomes
- Is this course intended to fulfill a signature work component?
- Yes or No
- Does this course incorporate active learning, experiential/service learning, undergraduate research, or other high-impact practices?
- If your program is externally accredited, does this course align with the accrediting body’s learning outcomes?
- Has this course content been offered on a trial basis under a different course number, for example as a topics course?
- Yes or No
- If yes, which course number and title?
- Is the title of the course variable?
- Yes or No
- Is this course meant to be cross-listed with any other courses?
- Yes or No
- If yes, please note which courses and their descriptions.
- Is the course repeatable for earned credit?
- Yes or No
- If yes, under what circumstances and for how many credit hours?
- Can students enroll in multiple sections of the course per semester?
- Yes or No
- Has this course number been used previously? (Please contact Registration and Records if you cannot find this information)
- Yes or No
- If this course number has been used previously, has it been inactive for at least five years?
- Yes or No
- Why is this course needed at BGSU at this time?
- What is the student-centered reason for proposing this course?
- If possible, cite available data, results of consultations with faculty, students, advisors, advisory boards, etc., as evidence.
- If this proposal is the result of a change in accreditation or licensure standards, please provide that information.
- How does this proposal impact students currently enrolled in the unit’s programs?
- If this course replaces an existing requirement, is there a plan for course substitutions for current students if needed?
- Will there be a change to the number of credit hours in the major or minor due to adding this course?
- In what ways does the proposed course positively impact recruitment and retention?
- Does the proposed coursework increase access and reduce opportunity gaps among students from underrepresented populations?
- If so, please explain how.
- Is this course intended to be a required course or an elective?
- If elective, please answer the following questions:
- Why is this subject matter important for students to learn?
- How does this course fit with current elective offerings in the unit?
- What other electives will be removed due to the addition of this course?
- Does the proposed course content overlap with any other course in the unit?
- Yes or No
- If so, how are these courses demonstrably different to justify offering both?
- Does this proposal impact other units in your college or in other colleges?
- Yes or No
- If so, please attach letters of endorsement from unit heads in impacted areas. E-mails are sufficient.
- Is this course intended to satisfy a Multidisciplinary Component requirement in the College of Arts & Sciences?
- Yes or No
- If so, please submit a record of approval from the A&S Dean (or designee).
- Are the resources (e.g., personnel, space, equipment, budgetary) required by this proposal already in place in the unit?
- Yes or No.
- If not, what resources are required and how will those needs be fulfilled?
- If hiring is required, please include a letter of endorsement from your dean and the Provost or designee.
- If only one faculty member is qualified to teach this course, how will your unit meet student needs if they are unavailable?
- Can this proposal be implemented with minimal impact on current faculty workloads?
- Yes or No
- If so, please explain how.
- If not, how will those impacts be absorbed by the unit?
- If hiring is required, please include a letter of endorsement from your dean and the Provost or designee.
- Are the space and/or equipment resources required by this proposal already in place in the unit?
- Yes or No
- If not, what resources are required and how will those needs be fulfilled?
- Please include a letter of endorsement from your dean if additional space and/or equipment resources are required.
- Please check here to confirm that you have consulted with the University Library to ensure that necessary library resources are available.
- Indicate any new one-time costs for materials, equipment, services, etc. directly associated with the new course.
- Please describe how these costs will be covered.
Updated: 09/07/2023 11:08AM