Family Ties Across Households

This crosswalk catalogues measures of family ties across households across large national data sets. It is divided into three separate files by measure type: contact, instrumental support, and legal arrangements. The contact crosswalk includes measures related to contact of children with non-resident parents, non-resident grandparents, and contact between non-resident biological parents (e.g., frequency of phone calls, distance between residences, types of activities). The instrumental support crosswalk includes measures related to financial assistance (e.g., gifts, loans, housing), in-kind assistance (e.g., food, clothing), and time (e.g., child care, adult care). Finally, the legal arrangements crosswalk includes measures related to child support (e.g., receipt, frequency, amount given and received), custody, alimony, legal responsibility (e.g., paternity, legal documentation), adoption, and living arrangements of children.

Updated: 10/08/2020 02:01PM