Before you transfer to BGSU


It’s the $100,000 question! We have a variety of tools you can use to figure out how many of your college credits will transfer to BGSU.
Note: The only way to get an official evaluation of your transfer credit is to apply to BGSU.

Are you a student at Owens Community College?
Learn about Falcon Express – our streamlined transfer process.

How many credits will transfer?


Do you want to live on campus in a residence hall, off campus or at home?
Transfer students do not have to live on campus. You are exempt from the residency requirement for first- and second-year students.

On-campus housing options Off-campus housing resources


Admission requirements vary by how many credit hours you’re transferring and sometimes by your degree program or academic college. 

Tuition and transfer scholarships


Admission requirements vary by how many credit hours you’re transferring and sometimes by your degree program or academic college. 

View admission requirements


Visiting our campus is the best way to see if BGSU is the right fit for you. We offer virtual tours if you aren’t able to come to campus in person.

Schedule an in-person tour Take our virtual tour

More transfer information

Review additional details about admission to BGSU if you are one of the following types of students:

Updated: 04/08/2024 10:52AM