Article 38: Winter Session

1.    Teaching Opportunities

1.1. No BUFM is guaranteed a teaching assignment during the Winter Session. No BUFM can be required to teach during the Winter Session. Winter Session course offerings and their staffing will be recommended by the academic unit's Chair/Director, based on student/programmatic needs, in cooperation with the Office overseeing Winter Session, and following the University's "Guidelines for Assigning Winter Session Courses." The Guidelines shall provide criteria for determining a qualified pool of faculty to be considered for a Winter Session course offering. Criteria shall include interest, expertise, and experience required to teach the course; rank and seniority may not be used to determine the qualified pool of faculty.

1.2. The Labor-Management Committee shall provide recommendations to the Provost and President of the BGSU-FA for the University's "Guidelines for Assigning Winter Session Courses" no later than February 15, 2018. Final approval of the Guidelines rests with the Provost and President of the BGSU-FA.

1.3. Teaching assignments will be made by the Chair/Director and communicated to the faculty.

1.4. Faculty may teach no more than six credits in no more than three distinct course sections during Winter Session. In unique circumstances, requests for an exception to the maximum teaching load may submitted to the Dean.

1.5. The University shall provide the President of the BGSU-F A a list of all courses taught by adjunct/part-time faculty that indicates whether the courses are organized course sections no later than the end of the Fall Semester and Spring Session, and no later than the end of each Summer Session and Winter Session.

2. Intersession Teaching and Academic Year Load

2.1. Winter Session courses are not part of the standard academic year load for BUFM.

2.2. When requesting a Winter Session course assignment, a BUFM may submit a written request to their Dean and Chair/Director that the Winter Session course be counted as part of their academic year load during the academic year in which the Winter Session course would occur. There is no obligation for the University to count the course as in­load. The decision will be made by the Dean.

2.3. When considering Winter Session course assignments, the Dean may submit a written offer to a BUFM that the Winter Session course be counted as part of their academic year load during the academic year in which the Winter Session course would occur. There is no obligation for the BUFM to accept the offer (see Article 38, Section 1.1 ).

2.4. The decision about whether an under-enrolled Winter Session course can be counted as part of an academic year load will be made by the Dean.

2.5. The Labor-Management Committee shall recommend to the Provost and the BGSU-FA President, for their joint approval, appropriate deadlines for items including, but not limited to, BUFM requests, Dean responses to requests, offers from Deans, BUFM responses to offers, and Dean's decisions.

3. Winter Compensation for Courses Not Taught In-Load

3.1. For Winter Session courses, BUFM will be paid 1/38 of their base nine-month salary per winter credit hour taught.

3.2. The University may cancel a Winter Session course if minimum enrollment numbers are not reached. BUFM may refuse to teach a course if it does not reach minimum enrollment.

3.3. The University may offer under-enrolled courses to BUFM at a reduced compensation rate based on the BGSU Summer AY16 Proration Schedule.

3.4. If, after signing the Winter Session teaching contract, enrollment subsequently decreases, the BUFM is guaranteed the prorated salary corresponding to the enrollment level when the BUFM signed the contract. If enrollment subsequently increases, the BUFM shall be compensated based on the increased enrollment.

3.5. Should a BUFM choose not to teach a prorated course, the University shall follow the Winter Session teaching policy and may offer the prorated teaching opportunity to another qualified person.

4. Parental Leave Use During Intersession

4.1. When a BUFM's parental leave begins at the start of the Fall Semester, the first day of classes for the Fall Semester shall be considered the first day of parental leave.

4.2. When a BUFM who is not teaching during the Winter Session starts parental leave at the beginning of the Spring Semester, the first day of classes for the Spring Session shall be considered the first day of parental leave.

5. Expectations of Nine-Month BUFM Who Do Not Teach During Winter Session

5.1. BUFM hired on a nine-month contract are expected to work during the regular academic year, which now includes the Fall Semester, Winter Session, and Spring Session.

5.2. Historically, BUFM have used the time between the end of Fall Semester classes and the beginning of Spring Semester classes to perform work-related activities in the areas of teaching/librarian effectiveness, scholarly/creative activity, and/or service. It is understood that BUFM who do not teach during Winter Session will continue these

5.3. Two business days immediately preceding the Spring Session class start date, BUFM will be available for university, college, and/or academic unit meetings. These meetings may or may not be called. If meetings are called, attendance is considered a scheduled obligation.

Updated: 07/15/2020 04:15PM