Embracing Global Engagement Conference
2024 Embracing Global Engagement Conference
Wednesday, Oct. 16 | 9:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.
Multipurpose Room, 228 Bowen-Thompson Student Union
Hear from undergraduate and graduate BGSU students about their global, international and cultural experiences!
BGSU undergraduate and graduate students will share their experiences from internships, service and experiential learning in BGSU Education Abroad, international and cultural-immersion programs.
Embracing Global Engagement Conference Agenda
- 9:15-9:30 a.m. Opening Remarks
- 9:30-10:15 a.m. Keynote Presentation
Dr. Brigid Burke, professor of Education and World Language Education Coordinator at BGSU, “Two Suitcases and A Backpack: The Long-Lasting Impact of Study Abroad” - 10:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. and 1:30-4:45 p.m. Oral Presentations
- 12:45-1:30 p.m. Poster and Video Presentations
Light refreshments will be served during the poster and video session.
10:30 a.m. Elisabeth Baende – Hoskins Global Scholars/HDFS Internship
“My Global Experience: The Marvels of Manchester Engaging with Older Adults”
Advisor: Laura Landry-Meyer - Human Development and Family Sciences
10:50 a.m. Jay Grummel – Hoskins Global Scholars
“Writing Across the Atlantic: An Exploration on the Craft of Libretti and the Appreciation of Written Art in Europe”
Advisor: Abigail Cloud - English
11:10 a.m. Samuel Tarsitano – Education Program: Keele University
“Across the Pond: My Transformative Journey in the UK”
Advisor: Trinka Messenheimer - Inclusive Teacher Education
11:30 a.m. Emma Zemancik & Eli Wisniewski – The Edeta Arts International Festival in Spain
“BGSU Percussion in Valencia”
Advisor: Daniel Piccolo - College of Musical Arts (Brass/Percussion)
11:50 a.m. Layne Woodruff – AYA Salzburg Program (Austria)
“Discovering the German language in Austria”
Advisor: Christina Guenther - World Languages and Cultures (German)
12:10 p.m. Sayyora Ibadullaeva - International Studies
“Cultural Fluency: Your Passport to International Academic Excellence”
Advisor: Chris Willis - Counselling, Higher Education, Leadership and Foundations
12:30 p.m. Mmaduabuchi Akujuobi – International Student Program
“The Role of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) in Leading Workplace Diversity in the 21st Century”
Advisor: Judy May - Counselling, Higher Education, Leadership and Foundations
Poster #1
Elizabeth Cohara - Global Studies
“Inclusive Educational Practices for Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Outside of the United States”
Advisor: Eric Anderson - Inclusive Teacher Education
Poster #2
Logan Krueck - Intercultural Studies
“The Suicidality of Transgender Individuals”
Advisor: Carolyn Tompsett - Psychology
Poster #3
HeeSoon Lee - Research by Faculty Member in Japan
“Barrier-Free Equipment for the Older Adults in Osaka & Blue Zone Okinawa in Japan”
Poster #4
Mackenzie Kneessi - Intercultural Studies
“Blue Zones: The Secrets to a Longer Lifespan”
Advisor: HeeSoon Lee - Human Services
Poster #5
Isaiah Van Slyke - ISI Italy (Florence)
“Investigating Italy”
Advisor: Allie Terry-Fritsch - Art
Poster #6
Isaiah Wince - AYA Salzburg Program (Austria)
“Study Abroad is an Adventure for the Soul”
Advisor: Christina Guenther - World Languages and Cultures (German)
Poster #7
Ella Willard, Ari Hunker, & Sarah Baumgartner - BGSU Program in Montpellier (France)
“Summer in Montpellier”
Advisor: Beatrice Guenther - World Languages and Cultures (French)
1:40 p.m. Chidiebere Anugwolu – Nigeria Student Association
“International Cuisines as Conduits to Embracing Global Engagement”
Advisor: Jessica Kiss - Applied Human Development
2:00 p.m. Ashleigh Bettum & DeNae Bumpus – EDTL 4900 Mathematics and English in Malawi
“Beyond Borders: The Transformative Journey to Malawi”
Advisor: Joanna Weaver - Inclusive Teacher Education
2:20 p.m. Martha Hudson – Encuentro Internacional de Oboes (International Oboe Festival), Xalapa, Mexico
“Cross-cultural Connections: Encuentro Internacional de Oboes; Xalapa, Mexico”
Advisor: Dwight Parry - College of Musical Arts (Oboe)
2:40 p.m. Christopher Jones – Independent Research by Graduate Student in Guatemala
“Embracing Divinity: Learning to Utilize the Sacred in Performance”
Advisor: Bradford Clark - Theatre & Film
3:00 p.m. Trey Williams – McNair Scholars Program
“Associations Between Internalized Heterosexism, Eating and Body Image Disturbances, and Psychological Distress in Sexual Minority Men from the United States and China: Differences by Cultural Context”
Advisor: Abby Braden - Psychology
3:20 p.m. Joshua Jarikre – BGSU Japan Program
“My Best Experiences in My Host Family’s Home”
Advisor: Akiko Jones - World Languages and Cultures (Japanese)
3:40 p.m. Garrett Pierce – Ed Teaching & Learning 4900/5860 Culture, Mathematics, and Language Arts Learning in Thailand
“Challenges and Cultural Differences in Teaching Students That Speak Different Languages”
Advisor: Gabriel Matney - Inclusive Teacher Education
4:00 p.m. Tricia Cox – Environmental Sustainability and Geology in New Zealand: Immersed in the natural world through philosophy and geology & EDTL 4900/5860 Culture, Mathematics, and Language Arts Learning in Thailand
“Bridging Continents and Classrooms: Integrating Global Experiences into Science Education Opportunities”
Advisor: Gabriel Matney - Inclusive Teacher Education
4:20 p.m. Chioma Amadi – International Studies
“The Integration of 21st Century Skills in Science: A Case Study of Canada and the USA”
Advisor: Bruce Collet - Counseling, Higher Education, Leadership, and Foundation
4:40 p.m. Emma Reindel – International Studies
“Overcoming the Obstacles Prohibiting Honors Students from Studying Abroad”
Advisors: Hyungsuk Choo - Tourism, Hospitality, and Event Management & Lynn Pearson - World Languages and Cultures (Spanish)
2024 Keynote Speaker

Two Suitcases and A Backpack: The Long-Lasting Impact of Study Abroad
Thirty years ago, Dr. Brigid Burke, Professor of Education and World Language Education Coordinator at Bowling Green State University, embarked on a new adventure—her study abroad to Montpellier, France.
As a French Education student who wanted to become a French high school teacher, she knew that one year abroad would help her develop strong language skills and allow her to understand French culture deeply. With two suitcases and a backpack, she traveled to France and experienced things she had never expected. She will share with you what those were and how she has continued to travel back as often as she can to visit her French family and friends.
Her former students also will share stories about how study abroad has impacted their lives.
Register your presentation for the conference!
You will need to provide information about yourself, the faculty mentor associated with your project, your presentation title and a brief abstract for your presentation.
Presentation Registration Form
The Center for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (CURS) invites presentation proposals from undergraduate and graduate students of all disciplines, who have participated in:
- Internships or research/scholarly/creative activities while studying abroad
- International public policy or service-learning projects
- Research, scholarly or creative projects as international students at BGSU
- Cultural experiences (e.g., Navajo reservation trip)
- Research/scholarly/creative projects with global/international perspectives
Everyone is welcome to attend, and we particularly recommend this event to undergraduate and graduate students contemplating to go abroad as part of a BGSU program!
Registration of presentations is open.
Submission deadline for presentation is 5 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 30, 2024.
Make sure to complete the following steps:
1. Register your presentation for the conference by clicking the submission button below.
You will need to provide information about yourself, the faculty mentor associated with your project, your presentation title and a brief abstract for your presentation.
Presentation Proposal Submission
After finishing the registration form, make sure to save the link provided. You'll need it to finish step three.
2. Create your presentation!
The presentation types for this conference will be as follows:
- Poster Presentations: Standard poster size (4' wide by 3' tall) or smaller.
- Oral Presentations: 12-minute PowerPoint presentation with three minutes for questions.
- Video Presentation: 5- to 10-minute video consisting of still pictures and/or video materials.
3. Presentation Submission
Submit your materials using the link provided at the end of the registration form.
Make sure to see these helpful tips on how to prepare presentations.
Submit your international and cultural experience photos for a chance to win a $50 gift card and appear on BGSU platforms!
Previous Years
Explore past Global Experience events or find inspiration for your own presentation.

Updated: 10/09/2024 11:25AM