Course Modification Process
Briefly describe the proposed course changes.
For a change to the course description, please provide the current catalog description.
Please provide the new catalog description for the course that includes the following: description of content, and if applicable, prerequisites.
- Are the changes to this course substantial enough to impact learning outcomes (LOs)?
- Yes or No
- If so, please provide revised outcomes. LOs should be measurable, draw on BGSU’s Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy chart, and reflect the range of cognitive levels a student is expected to develop over the semester.
- Please attach a working syllabus that includes the following elements:
- Course description
- Learning outcomes
- Overview of course content
- Primary instructional strategies (e.g., lecture, discussion)
- Plan for evaluating student performance (e.g., assignments, discussion posts, exams)
- Required reading materials or example readings for courses taught by multiple instructors, including library resources
- Demonstrated connection between course assessments and learning outcomes
- Is this course intended to fulfill a signature work component?
- Yes or No
- If so, will these proposed changes affect signature work status?
- Yes or No
- If your program is externally accredited, will this course still align with the accrediting body’s learning outcomes after changes are implemented?
- Yes or No
- Please explain.
- Why are changes to this course needed at BGSU at this time?
- What are the student-centered reasons for changing this course?
- If possible, cite available data and results of consultations with faculty, students, advisors, advisory boards, etc., as evidence.
- If this proposal is the result of a change in accreditation or licensure standards, please provide that information
- How does this proposal impact students currently enrolled in the unit’s programs?
- If this course replaces an existing requirement, is there a plan for course substitutions for current students if needed?
- Will there be a change to the number of credit hours in the major or minor due to changes to this course?
- Yes or No
- If yes, please explain.
- In what ways do the proposed course changes positively impact recruitment and retention?
- Do the proposed course changes work to increase access and reduce opportunity gaps among students from underrepresented populations?
- Yes or No
- If so, please explain how.
- Do the proposed changes cause overlap between this course and any other course in the unit?
- Yes or No
- If so, how are these courses demonstrably different to justify offering both?
- Does this proposal impact other units in your college or in other colleges?
- Yes or No
- If so, please submit letters of endorsement from unit heads in impacted areas.
- Is this course intended to satisfy a Multidisciplinary Component requirement in the College of Arts & Sciences?
- Yes or No
- If so, please submit the record of approval from the A&S Dean (or designee).
- Are the resources (e.g., personnel, space, equipment, budgetary) required by this proposal already in place in the unit?
- Yes or No
- If not, what resources are required and how will those needs be fulfilled?
- If hiring is required, please include a letter of endorsement from your dean and the Provost or designee.
- If only one faculty member is qualified to teach this course, how will your unit meet student needs if they are unavailable?
- Can this proposal be implemented with minimal impact on current faculty workloads?
- Yes or No
- If so, please explain how. If not, how will those impacts be absorbed by the unit?
- If hiring is required, please include a letter of endorsement from your dean and the Provost or designee.
- Are the space and/or equipment resources required by this proposal already in place in the unit?
- Yes or No
- If not, what resources are required and how will those needs be fulfilled?
- Please include a letter of endorsement from your dean if additional space and/or equipment resources are required.
- Indicate any new one-time costs for materials, equipment, services, etc. directly associated with the modified course.
- Please describe how these costs will be covered.
When an existing graduate course requires modification, either a single faculty member or a group of faculty may work on the curriculum development. However, a single faculty member is required to “author” the curriculum development process and be the primary faculty contact by completing a Curriculum Development form, found on the Graduate College website.
Within this line college approval process, the Graduate Council requires approval of the chair/director and line college dean (see Graduate Curriculum Modification Routing Info).
For programs that involve multiple departments or colleges, evidence of support from all departments/schools or colleges involved must be included. Line colleges may have additional procedures (e.g., a College Graduate Curriculum Committee). If they do, the curriculum developer should contact their college for their college process.
Courses or programs that are online or hybrid will also be reviewed and approved by Online and Summer Academic Programs (OSAP).
Once the line Dean’s signature is secured, Curriculum Development forms will be reviewed by the GCR committee.
Curriculum Development forms are first viewed by the chair of the GCR, along with the Graduate Dean’s designate, to judge if the modifications are minor and have no influence on any other unit. For example, course changes that are limited to title, number, or credit hour modifications should not require committee review. If the chair and dean’s designate determine that the modifications do not require sub-committee review, they are forwarded for the Graduate Dean’s approval. However, these modifications will be included as informational items on the full council agenda for review with the option of sending them back to GCR (in the event that there are unforeseen issues.)
All other new and modified course forms in addition to program modifications must go to the GCR committee. Complete curriculum forms must be received by the GCR at least one week prior to committee meetings for potential inclusion on the committee’s agenda. Committee review of new and modified courses and modified programs requires a minimum of a single reading by the sub-committee. During this reading review, the author (or a representative) of the Curriculum Development form must attend the committee meeting in the event that there are questions (a review will not take place without the author or representative for the author present at this meeting). At the end of the review, the committee votes on whether to forward it to the full council for approval. If there are substantial questions about the new or modified course, at any time during this initial reading, a GCR committee member may ask for a vote to table the approval vote, thus in effect requesting a second reading. However, the default process will be a single reading and then a vote to forward it to the full council. The committee may also decide that a course or program modification does not require Graduate Council review if the modifications are minor and have no influence on any other unit. These are forwarded to the Graduate Dean for approval and will be included as informational items on the full council agenda for review with the option of sending them back to GCR. However, all curriculum modifications which require state approval will be reviewed by the GCR and the full council.
Once satisfactorily reviewed by the GCR, the Curriculum Development form is then sent to the full Graduate Council for review and approval. As with the GCR, during this reading review, the author (or a representative) of the Curriculum Development form must attend the committee meeting in the event that there are questions. At the end of the review, the Council votes on the curriculum approval. However, if there are substantial questions about the new or modified course or program during this reading, a member of the council may ask for a vote to table the approval vote in order to provide time for curriculum revisions. This in effect is requesting a second reading. However, the default process will be a single reading and then a vote for approval.
Updated: 11/07/2024 04:46PM