Lexi Morris Opens Up About Mental Health

The moment that I knew BGSU was truly my home came from an interaction with one of my professors. I had Dr. Diehl for three different Honors courses during my first year here. Dr. Diehl was definitely an adjustment for me, as he challenged me to do my best--and then some. Through all of his high expectations, I could always tell he was in my corner--something he would prove quickly. 

In high school, I began to get panic attacks, and was soon diagnosed with Panic Disorder. Going into college, I was worried about how this would affect my schoolwork, but I found I was able to balance my responsibilities to my classes and my mental health well for the most part. 

However, toward the end of my first year, I began to struggle more. One morning, a panic attack hit hard and I knew I wouldn't be able to make it to class. I am not one to skip class, so that made me panic more, so I went downstairs (since I lived in Founders) and talked to Dr. Diehl before class. 

His response was so completely understanding and validating. I instantly knew that he was someone I could count on--a truth that has persisted to this day. He is now my advisor for my Honors Project, and the trust he built with me has made my project so exciting and rewarding. I am so grateful for Dr. Diehl and for all of my friends and professors who have helped me validate and balance my mental health.

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Updated: 02/09/2024 03:21PM