
What Jobs Do Our Students Have?

The following is a list of some of the occupations held by our recent graduates.  This list is not exhaustive, and many of our graduates get jobs in other areas, given the well-rounded preparation that our degrees provide.

Banking Loan Officer/Risk Management

College Instructor


Federal Reserve Bank – Research Assistant

Financial Analyst

Financial Services Representative

Government (Census, BLS, Urban Development)

Graduate School (MBA, Masters of Economics, Ph.D. in Economics, Finance, or Industrial Relations)

Health Care Analyst

Law School

Portfolio Risk Manager

Statistical Analyst

Supply Chain Buyer

Economics is an area where a broad set of skills is developed allowing the graduate access to a wide variety of opportunities. There is an important observation that you should know.   It is not automatically true that the title of the degree lines up with a specific set of jobs.  While most of our students find work at banks and with insurance companies, others find jobs in a variety of other areas.  A list of the kinds of jobs our students have obtained is provided below.  The fact is that there are not many jobs for people with a bachelor's degree in economics as an economist.  If you want to do economics, you will most likely need some kind of advanced degree.  But you should also know that economics is a very strong background for studying law, business, and of course additional economics. 

First and foremost, go the Career Center and talk with someone there about what to do.  They are the experts, and they have the experience.  They will help you with your resume and can provide guidance for the interview process.  This is the first and most important basic step.

Second, if you are generally looking and don't have a good idea of the kind of job you would like, start visiting web sites to see what is available.  Here are some sites to consider.  You may need to look for the "Careers" button to find the kinds of jobs that might be open and the application process.

Third, once you have looked at web sites and have found some possible alternatives, start the application process.  Get your resume ready, line up references, and prepare a letter of application.   Review and prepare other items the company requests from you.

Finally, be patient.  Often it takes some time to find a job.  Think of the job search as a matching process.  Both the employer and the employee need to be happy with the match.  If one side is not happy going in to the arrangement, it is not likely to be a successful outcome.   Sooner or later, you will find something.  And finally please remember that there is no such thing as a perfect job.  Every job has its good points and bad, its ups and downs.

Updated: 09/12/2022 02:03PM