Financial Management Society


The society provides a great environment for learning, gaining leadership experience, and increasing members' visibility with regard to potential employers. Some of the many activities that provide these excellent experiences are: guest speakers from financially-related professional fields that discuss career opportunities and current issues that face these industries; educational trips to financial centers such as Chicago and New York to tour institutions like CBOT, CBOE, NYSE or Federal Reserve Banks; “Company Spotlight" presentations where company representatives discuss job opportunities as part of their recruiting efforts; and fun social activities (e.g. bowling, miniature golf, mixers).


Membership is open to all BGSU students.


Weekly Wednesdays @ 6:00-7:00PM

Faculty Advisor
Liuling Liu
Nick Stern
Vice President
Dillon Horst
Meredith Post
Giovanni Iannelli
Social Media Chair
Isaac Cisco
Recruitment/Social Head
Nick Stern

More Information

Welcome to the BGSU Financial Management Society's Web Site!

This is an informational web site for the Financial Management Society (FMS) Organization.  The society provides a great environment for learning, gaining leadership experience, and increasing members' visibility with regard to potential employers. Some of the many activities that provide these excellent experiences are:

  • Guest speakers from financially related professional fields that discuss career opportunities and current issues that face these industries.
  • Educational trips to financial centers such as Chicago and New York to tour institutions like CBOT, CBOE, NYSE or Federal Reserve Banks.
  • "Company Spotlight" presentations where company representatives discuss job opportunities as part of their recruiting efforts.
  • Fun social activities (e.g. bowling, miniature golf, mixers)

If you are interested in joining FMS, please ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you want to get involved in an organization that will positively benefit your resume?
  • Do you want to be seen by employers that are searching for top-notch students?
  • Do you want a better chance of securing employment before you graduate?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then you should become a member of FMS today!

The FMS by-laws can be viewed below.

For more information, please browse this site and feel free to contact us with any further questions!

A. The FMS Treasurer will set membership dues by the second general membership meeting of each semester.

  1. Membership dues will be due by the next immediate meeting of the general membership on a date specified by the FMS Treasurer.
  2. Any individual wishing to gain membership after this time must submit dues no later than two weeks after first general meeting attended.

B. Members failing to pay membership dues shall be considered in "poor standing" until the obligation is met.

  1. Any member failing to pay after one month from specified date or after two weeks from first general meeting attended will be confronted by the Treasurer to discuss membership evaluation.

C. Handling of the Financial Management Society checkbook

  1. The FMS Treasurer or the Faculty Advisor must sign all checks written to pay debts.
  2. The FMS checkbook will be presented at the request of the FMS officers or the Faculty Advisor.
  3. The official budget for every officer, including miscellaneous funds, shall be voted and approved during the second meeting of the general membership meeting per semester.
  4. The FMS checkbook shall always remain with the Faculty Advisor throughout the summer months, when classes are not in session.

A. Election Process

  1. Elections will be held the next to last general meeting of every semester.
  2. A majority vote by all present shall be necessary to elect officers.
  3. No electoral race shall remain undecided.
  4. Voting shall be by secret ballot if requested by one or more of the voting members present.

B. Officer Eligibility

  1. Any individual wishing to run for office must have acquired membership prior to the date of elections.

C. Voting Eligibility

  1. Voting privileges shall be limited to active members of FMS.

D. Terms of Office

  1. All elected positions are conducted on a per-semester basis except the positions of Treasurer and Deans Advisory Council Representative.

A. The President of the Financial Management Society along with the Faculty Advisor are responsible for revising the Financial Management Society constitution and by-laws upon the completion of each academic semester.

B. Revisions must be approved by 2/3 of the members as well as officers.

A. The FMS officers are expected to attend ¾ of all general and officer meetings.

  1. If an officer is unable to attend a specific meeting, it is their duty to notify at least one other officer of their intentions and this will result in an excused absence.
  2. If an officer has exceeded the amount of excused absences allowed, the President shall call a special meeting with the officers and Faculty Advisor to discuss replacement of his/her office.
  3. If an officer accumulates three unexcused absences within their term of office, this conduct will result in removal from office, effective immediately. The President shall contact this individual and relieve them of their duties.

Updated: 07/10/2023 11:19AM