Project Closing

BGSU ITS' formalized project closing process is vital in avoiding unfavorable and adverse outcomes as a project comes to a close and functionality is handed over to the Sponsor and Sponsor-area. Finalizing all project activities allows the project team to conduct a final review of the project completion criteria and key benefits, as well as an inventory of any outstanding (not completed items), support hand-off documentation and final sign-off. 

Documenting and approving the closure of a project increases accountability, provides necessary next steps and allows for final and vital communication between the Sponsors and the project team before the resources are released. 

As large and complex projects are completed, an additional layer of closing may be required in the form of a 6-12 month "check-in". The purpose of the check-in is to compare original expectations with the actual value of what was achieved by proceeding with the project. This allows the project governance committees to further refine the portfolio of projects that are the most beneficial to BGSU using post-mortem data.

Updated: 06/15/2023 02:00PM