Picture Book Showcase:
Student Work from ENG 3420
Amanda Rzicznek and Jessica Zinz-Cheresnick
Creative Writing
Welcome to the virtual showcase of student work produced in both sections of ENG 3420: Literature for Young Children taught by Amanda McGuire Rzicznek. We invite you to join us in the Fine Arts Building Room 130 for the in-person showcase too. Enjoy!
The Dance
Hannah Stewart
Claire has a dance recital, and she is not sure her mom will show up. Do you think she will show up? Read Here
The Blue Little Monster
Kaia Kruckeberg
My story is important to share with the world because it can teach children that people with disabilities can do anything they can do. One of my good friends has autism and no one would ever let him play with them at recess. I want to change children’s views, so no one has to go through what he did. Read Here
My Guardian Butterfly
Ryanna Vencill
My Guardian Butterfly is a story based on my life. Losing someone is hard, and this book, I hope, helps a child. Read Here
Updated: 12/04/2021 12:34PM