

Service Learning

Service Learning refers to the practice of combining innovation, resourcefulness, and opportunity to address critical socical and enviromental challenges.

Learning by doing and making a difference in the world
Chapman uses a service-learning curriculum focused on meaningful service projects, integrated academic content, and personal reflection. Students take service-learning courses from a variety of disciplines in modern, high-tech classrooms within Kohl Hall. Chapman students routinely outperfom the BGSU average for GPA and graduation rate.

  • Students take popular service learning courses from a variety of disciplines in modern high-tech classrooms in Kohl Hall.
  • Professors teaching in Chapman have their offices located in Kohl Hall. 
  • Students recieve personalized attetion and extra help with advising and choosing a major.

Chapman students get together as a group several times a year to host speakers, participate in group entertainment, and serve special meals. Other smaller trips and outings are also planned. Examples of these trips include:

  • Dinners out of town
  • Museum Trips
  • Cedar Point
  • Holiday Shopping
  • Snow Tubing
  • Spring Break Projects
  • And much more!

Chapman students who win a scholarship to study leadership are known as Chapman Leaders; they serve as peer-mentors for all incoming, first-year Chapman students. They work with graduate interns, the Chapman Secretary, CLC director, Resident Advisors, and other Chapman faculty to assist with student questions, registration, and transitioning to life at BGSU.

Updated: 12/02/2017 01:50AM