Professor of Research or Creative Arts Excellence

Guidelines for Professor of Research or Creative Arts Excellence

The title of Professor of Research or Creative Arts Excellence shall be conferred upon members of the faculty already holding the rank of Professor and who have established outstanding national and international recognition through research and publication or creative/artistic achievement in their disciplines. The title will be awarded for a period of three years with an annual award of $5,000 ($3,000 salary stipend and $2,000 for professional development). At the end of the three year period, the faculty member will receive a $1,000 increase to base salary compensation. 

Faculty members who currently hold a recognition from BGSU/College/Department that provides them with additional funding and was awarded based upon excellence of teaching, research and/or service, shall not be eligible for this professorship.

Nomination procedures:

  • Nominations for Professor of Research Excellence or Professor of Creative Arts Excellence may originate from any faculty member or department/school and shall be made to the Provost. 
  • Self-nominations are acceptable. 
  • Nominations shall carry the endorsement of the faculty member’s department chair/school director and dean.   

Components of a complete packet include:

  • Nomination cover letter (maximum three pages)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Endorsement of faculty member’s department chair/school director
  • Endorsement of faculty member’s dean

Criteria of research/artistic excellence: 

The basis for review will be the nominee’s comprehensive record of original substantive and influential research or artistic accomplishments as measured by such factors as: 

  • Quality and quantity of publications or creative works 
  • Innovation and creativity of research approach
  • Impact of research or creative output
  • Frequency of citations in scholarly literature and or artistic exhibits/performances
  • Quality and quantity of graduate students mentored by the nominee
  • Active membership in national and international organizations
  • Participation in national and international scholarly or creative activities
  • Peer selected awards and prizes
  • Externally funded, peer-reviewed research or artistic awards 
  • Support of prominent scholars/artists in the field/discipline 
  • Demonstrable impact upon the way discipline views subject matter

Committee assessment:

  • The Provost shall then appoint a committee to receive and review the nominations.  
  • This committee shall make a recommendation to the Provost on each nomination.

Professorship Recommendations:

  • The Provost consults with the Council of Deans and forwards a recommendation to the President for action. 
  • No more than two professorships should be awarded in any given year, but none has to be made each year. 
  • Professors of Research Excellence or Professors of Creative Arts Excellence are given special recognition and accorded other honors and privileges that the President deems appropriate during their term.

Deadline for receipt of nomination and supporting materials: October 14, 2024.

Materials should be sent in an electronic format to Kim Caris, Assistant to the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs,

Updated: 09/19/2024 01:40PM