Pay It Forward Scholars Fund

The Pay It Forward Scholars Fund is an innovative and entrepreneurial approach to student support at BGSU.
The Pay It Forward Scholars aims to support Bowling Green State University undergraduate students whose financial need, which is unable to be met by other sources, may prevent them from completing their degree. The scholarship seeks to support recipients and foster an appreciation and understanding of a responsibility to pay it forward.
If you or someone you know has experienced an unanticipated life event that resulted in a significant financial need, you may be eligible for this award.
Student Eligibility
To be eligible for the Pay it Forward Scholars Fund, recipients must:
- Be enrolled as a full-time BGSU undergraduate student; and
- Demonstrate financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), or as otherwise determined by the official policies of the University and Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.
Preference for the will be given to students
- Have maintained a GPA consistent with degree requirements;
- Are approaching or in their final academic year; and/or
- Have demonstrated engagement in the BGSU community including student organization involvement, community service, and student employment.
Know a student who is eligible?
Commitment from Recipients
While a student at BGSU, recipients agree:
- To use the award to complete their BGSU education;
- To attend events/experiences as defined by the staff director; and
- To receive and provide mentoring support from and to fellow recipients.
After graduating from BGSU, recipients agree:
- To participate in occasional on-campus or virtual opportunities to engage with current and former recipients;
- To keep their personal contact information current with the University Advancement;
- To make an annual gift each year designated to the Pay It Forward Scholars Fund, at a level of their ability, with the intent over time to contribute an amount equal to or greater than the amount they received to replenish and sustain support for future students; and
- To serve as an ambassador for BGSU.
While he was an undergraduate student, Dr. C. Raymond Marvin faced an unexpected financial crisis. If it were not for key Bowling Green State University administrators and mentors, Dr. Marvin would not have received the financial support needed to continue his education and graduate in 1960. Experiencing and appreciating the power of this generosity and philanthropy first-hand, he is committed to give back and pay it forward for others; in this spirit, he has initiated the Pay It Forward Scholars Fund. By establishing this fund, it is the hope of Dr. Marvin for students to develop a deeper connection and appreciation of belonging with BGSU. With this impact, a sustaining legacy of philanthropy will be initiated and inspired in recipients

If you or someone you know has experienced a significant life event that resulted in substantial, unanticipated financial need, you might be eligible for this award.
"Our hope should be that through receiving this support, a fire is lit in people's imagination for what they can do with their lives, especially because of a public university like BGSU, that is commited to their success, diversity, and community."
- C. Raymond Marvin

Updated: 09/08/2022 03:52PM