Roger D. Colcord, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BRS-FD
Educational Experience
Ph.D. (1984). Speech-Language Pathology, Northwestern University.
M.S. (1976). Speech Pathology, Purdue University.
B.S. (1974). Speech and Hearing Therapy, Purdue University.
Certifications Held
Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology (CCC-SLP), granted by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA).
Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, State of Ohio.
Board Recognized Specialist in Fluency Disorders (BRS-FD) granted by the Specialty Board on Fluency Disorders, ASHA (Initial Cadre)
Undergraduate Courses Taught
CDIS 223*/471* - Introduction to Communication Disorders
CDIS 123*/1230 - Introduction to Communication Disorders
CDIS 1230 - Introduction to Communication Disorders (Online)
CDIS 301* - Speech and Hearing Science
CDIS 301/3010 - Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism
CDIS 331* - Neurogenic Disorders of Communication
CDIS 341* - Stuttering
CDIS 421* - Practicum in Communication Disorders
CDIS 470* - Independent Study: Stuttering Theory and Therapy
CDIS 470* - Independent Study: Contemporary Issues in Stuttering Prevention
CDIS 490* - Anatomy of Speech
HNRS 499* - Senior Honors Project
* = course in previous curriculum
Graduate Courses Taught
CDIS 501* Speech Science CDIS 601* - Speech Science
CDIS 605* - Communication Disorders and Aging: Part 1: Speech Production and Aging
CDIS 606* - Diagnostics in Communication Disorders I
CDIS 607* - Diagnostics in Communication Disorders II
CDIS 541*/641* - Stuttering
CDIS 6410 - Stuttering
CDIS 598* - Seminar:Topics in Hospital Speech-Language Pathology
CDIS 598* - Independent Study: Anatomy and Physiology of Speech and Hearing
CDIS 601* - Topics: Alaryngeal Phonation
CDIS 601* - Topics: Problems and Procedures in Stuttering Research
CDIS 676* - Research Methods
CDIS 682*/6820 - Alaryngeal Speech Rehabilitation
CDIS 687* - Independent Study: Clinical Practicum in Stuttering
CDIS 689* - Internship
CDIS 691* - Seminar: Stuttering Theories and Therapies
CDIS 697/505* - Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology
CDIS 699/599* - Thesis Research
CDIS 700/692* - Teaching Communication Disorders (Mentoring)
CDIS 7000 - Teaching Communication Disorders (Mentoring)
CDIS 641* - Doctoral Seminar in Acoustic Phonetics
CDIS 651* - Doctoral Seminar in Physiological Phonetics
CDIS 698* - Doctoral Independent Study: Readings in Cluttering
CDIS 699* - Thesis Research
CDIS 780* - Doctoral Independent Study: Clinical Speech Acoustics
CDIS 780* - Doctoral Seminar: Stuttering and Speech Motor Control
CDIS 780* - Doctoral Seminar: Stuttering: Neurophysiologic Characteristics
CDIS 780* - Doctoral Seminar: Stuttering: Theories of Causation
CDIS 780* - Doctoral Seminar: Stuttering I
CDIS 780* - Doctoral Seminar: Alaryngeal Speech Rehabilitation
CDIS 782* - Doctoral Topics: Alaryngeal Voice Rehabilitation
CDIS 785* - Doctoral Directed Readings: Suprasegmental Aspects of Speech
CDIS 787* - Doctoral Independent Study: Clinical Measurement in Speech Science
CDIS 787* - Doctoral Independent Study: Phonetic Disorders: Suprasegmental Aspects
CDIS 798* - Readings for Preliminary Examination
CDIS 799* - Dissertation Research
* = course in previous curriculum
Research Interests
I am interested in examining overall coping strategies that people of all ages who stutter might use to more effectively deal with their problem. This would include, but not be limited to, speech motor control strategies. In particular, this could involve various affective and cognitive parameters that might be part of people’s overall strategies for coping with their stuttering disorder.
Recent Refereed Publications
Gabel, R.M., Colcord, R.D., & Petrosino, L. (2002). Self-reported anxiety of adults who do and do not stutter. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 94, 775-784.
Plonsker, L.S., Petrosino, L., & Colcord, R.D. (2001). Differential vowel duration associated with children's word-final fricative deletion. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 93, 31-36.
Gabel, R.M., Colcord, R.D., & Petrosino, L. (2001). A study of the self-talk of adults who do and do not stutter. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 92, 835-842.
Recent Refereed Presentations
Colcord, R.D. (2008). Suggestions for early stuttering intervention. Miniseminar, Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Columbus, OH, March 8.
Colcord, R.D. (2006). Strategies for early stuttering intervention. Miniseminar, Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Columbus, OH, March 11.
Colcord, R.D. (2005). Involving parents in early stuttering intervention. Miniseminar, Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Columbus, OH, March 11.
MacDonald, A., Gabel, R., Searl, J.P., & Colcord, R.D. (2003). School SLPs’ experiences with stuttering. Poster session, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Chicago, IL, November.
Gabel, R., & Colcord, R.D. (2003). Stuttering therapy with school-aged children. Miniseminar, Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Columbus, OH, March 8.
Gabel, R.M., & Colcord, R.D. (2002). Suggestions for stuttering intervention in the schools. Miniseminar, Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Dayton, OH, March 15.
Petrosino, L., & Colcord (2001). Laboratory instruction for respiration: Undergraduate model. Poster session, Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Cleveland, OH, March 10.
Colcord, R.D., & Gabel, R.M. (2001). Intervention strategies: Young children who stutter. Miniseminar, Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Cleveland, OH, March 9.
Gabel, R.M., & Colcord, R.D. (2001). Intervention strategies with people who stutter. Miniseminar, Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Cleveland, OH, March 9.
McGuire, D.M., Petrosino, L., Colcord, R.D., & Searl, J. (2000). Satisfaction with counseling by SLPs on craniofacial anomalies. Poster session, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Washington, D.C., November 17.
Petrosino, L., Colcord, R.D, & Scherer, R.C. (2000). Scientific inquiry for undergraduate students in communication sciences and disorders. Poster session, Ohio Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, Toledo, OH, March 29.
Professional Affiliations
Member, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA).
Member, Special Interest Division 4: Fluency and Fluency Disorders, ASHA.
Member, Special Interest Division 10: Issues in Higher Education, ASHA.
Updated: 08/14/2019 11:39AM