
WRLD BG Perspective Courses (Taught in English) 

Humanities and the Arts

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CLCV 2410: Great Greek Minds* Masterpieces of Greek literature in English translation: Homer, Sappho, Pindar, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Herodotus, Thucydides, Plato, Aristotle. Introduction to history, art, customs, and beliefs. No Greek required. 

CLCV 2420: Great Roman Minds* Masterpieces of Latin literature in English translation: Lucretius, Cicero, Catullus, Virgil, Horace, Livy, Ovid, Petronius, Tacitus, Juvenal, Martial. An introduction to history, art, customs and beliefs. No Latin required.  

CLCV 3800: Classical Mythology Study in English of Greek and Roman myths; historical meanings and influence on life, literature and art. No Latin required. 

FREN 2220: French Culture* An introduction to the cultural, social, intellectual, and artistic life of French-speaking peoples from the perspective of French-American relations and intercultural comparisons and using readings, film, music, and other media. 

GERM 2150: German Culture and Civilization* Cultural-historical treatment of the social, intellectual and artistic life of the German-speaking peoples from medieval times to World War II.

GERM 2160: Contemporary Germany* Division of Germany after World War II; rebuilding and development of the two German states since 1949; political, economic and social systems, inter-German relations, patterns of daily living; revolution in East Germany and process of unification. 

ITAL 2620: Italian-American Experience: Mafia, Migration, and the Movies** Identify and explore cross-cultural/transnational stereotypes of the phenomenon of the Italian Mafia in America and Italy.

ROCS 2200:  Intro to African Literature* Creative and Critical writing in the English language by writers of African descent and diaspora, including writers of the Caribbean.

RUSN 2150:  Russian Culture* Russian culture and its manifestations in arts, family and social life, folkways, religions, and other important areas.

RUSN 2160:  Post-Communist Russia* Russian society and cultural values as reflected in such aspects of life as the arts, education, work, recreation, politics, family life, and religion.

SPAN 2700:  Hispanic Culture* Introduction to the cultural, social, intellectual, and artistic life of Latin America and/or Spain from a variety of disciplinary perspectives.

*Also fulfills International Perspective         **Also fulfills Cultural Diversity in the U.S.

Questions? Call or stop by World Languages & Cultures              

(419) 372-2667            203 Shatzel Hall   

Updated: 11/01/2023 09:53AM