News & Events 2014

Our Outstanding Faculty and Students are Often Making News
The BGSU Department of Sociology's research, disseminated as working papers, publications, and presentations, often garners media attention. Additionally, faculty, students, and staff participate in conferences, workshops, and seminars across the country, sharing policy-relevant research on American families with practitioners, fellow researchers, and policymakers.
Gray Divorce may cause newly singles to manage with half the assets the couple saved for retirement
Unfortunately, based on our recent analysis, it is challenging for women who divorce after age 50 to recover financially if they remain single, finds I-Fen Lin.

Arkansas Business

The Gray Divorce Revolution: Rising Divorce among Middle-aged and Older Adults, 1990-2010

Kaufman addresses standing-room only crowd at Assumption Collegeangela kaufman
BGSU PhD Angela Kaufman (Assistant Professor of Sociology, Criminology, & Anthropology at Assumption College) presented to a standing room only event held for Assumption College and Holy Cross College to address the recent events surrounding Ferguson, Staten Island, and Cleveland. Hosted by the African-American, Latin-American, Asian-American, and Native American student network, she participated in a three-person panel addressing police brutality and race in the criminal justice system. Kaufman will work with colleagues to prepare a cultural sensitivity and race awareness education program for faculty.
Protect finances in later-in-life divorce
USA Today

"Till death do us part?" Gray divorces are occurring more than ever before, according to research from Brown and Lin.

'Selfie' Generation Forces U.S. Companies to Change Tack


jelissa cruzCruz recipient of 2014 BGSU Distinguished Thesis Award

Congratulations to Julissa Cruz (Research Associate City Colleges of Chicago and former NCFMR Graduate Research Assistant). Cruz received the Distinguished Thesis Award for her MA thesis The Influence of Wealth on Repartnering.

The Mid-Life Divorce Boom: How to Avoid Financial Carnage


1 out of 3 Boomers will probably face old age without a spouse, according to researchers Brown and Lin

moneyTalks News image

Manning discusses Boomer grandparents and technology

The Washington Post

The Herald

Baby Boomers account for roughly 25% of all 2010 divorces, according to Brown and Lin study
"The divorce rate among people 50 and older doubled between 1990-2010, at a time when the rate for the general population was pretty flat."

CBS Miami

Wall Street Journal Market Watch


Benjamin Guzzo's study finds emerging research on multiple-partner fertility (MPF) is on the lives of mothers, rather than fathers
McClatchyDC imageThe vast majority of MPF women in their late 20s and early 30s live with all of their children, while the vast majority of MPF fathers do not live with all of their children, according to research conducted by Karen Benjamin Guzzo, associate professor of Sociology at Bowling Green State University.
Brown and Lin discover upward trend in gray divorce

The BG News


Cake image

The proportion of women 65 & older who were divorced tripled to 12% in 2008, according to Brown and Lin report The Gray Divorce Revolution

The New York Times

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Arguing CoupleDivorce after 50: It's complicated, especially if retirement is near


Fee speaks with NPR about the stigma toward formerly obese

Couple Cooking mealHolly Fee, BGSU doctoral student (U.S. Census Bureau), discusses her 2012 published findings with NPR that appear in the journal Sociological Inquiry. Fee has conducted some of the only research on dating attitudes toward the formerly obese.

The biggest fear, Fee says, is they believed these formerly obese individuals would regain their weight.

NPR image

Woman angry imageBrown and Lin find gray divorce rate has doubled over past 20 years

Today, one out of every four people experiencing divorce is over age 50. Nearly one in ten is 65 or older. Susan L. Brown and I-Fen Lin's research raises critical questions about how gray divorce is reshaping the aging experience in the U.S.

Although for some older adults a gray divorce may be liberating, for others who are less advantaged it is a devastating experience with long-term negative consequences for their own lives and for society as a whole.
Rinelli McClain Top 3 Finalist for 2013 Best Research Article by a New Professionalrinelli mcclain

Congratulations to BGSU PhD Lauren (Rinelli) McClain (Assistant Professor of Sociology at Western Kentucky University and former NCFMR Graduate Research Fellow) and Professor Al DeMaris. Their 2013 Fathering article, A better deal for cohabiting fathers? Union status differences in father involvement, was selected as a Top 3 finalist for the 2013 "Best Research Article by a New Professional" award for research advancing scholarship on men by the NCFR Men in Families Focus Group.

Esther LamidiGraduate student Esther Lamidi completes fellowship with PRB

Congratulations to Esther Lamidi who recently participated in the Policy Communication Fellows summer workshop with the Population Reference Bureau in Washington, DC. The workshop provides a unique opportunity for researchers to focus on making their findings more accessible to policymakers.

GiordanoGiordano to discuss findings from 13-year longitudinal study of the transition into adulthood

In the latest NIJ Research for the Real World seminar on 9/29, Dr. Peggy Giordano identifies numerous factors in early relationships that increase the risk of teen dating violence.

NIJ Registration Details

Single adults now outnumber married adults
new york post imageJust because people are not getting married doesn't mean they're not partnering and cohabiting, said Benjamin Guzzo.
Guzzo receives grant award from NIH
Congratulations to Karen Guzzo, BGSU associate professor of sociology, who received a grant award for her research project Distal Determinants of Disparities in Unintended Fertility. Guzzo's grant includes funds to help train the next generation of BGSU undergraduate and graduate students.
Study: Parental incarceration may be worse than divorceusa today image

BGSU Professor of Sociology Susan Brown notes Turney study raises a number of important issues when we think about how children are faring and what the collateral consequences are of mass incarceration.

manning Manning addresses factors contributing to delay in marriage

The Christian Post

One reason is the economic requirements for marriage are high and couples are waiting until they have their economic lives in order before they move into marriage.
Baby Boomers lead cohabiting trend
50 Plus Is Us
Brown, Roebuck Bulanda, and Lee research finds Cohabitation is gaining ground as a family form across the life course.
Alvira-Hammond Report Appears in Child TrendsAlvira-Hammond

Congratulations to doctoral student Marta Alvira-Hammond whose report Understanding the Risks to Children Crossing the Border was recently published in Child Trends. Alivra-Hammond's work stems from her position as a Summer Research Fellow for the National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families.

Brown and LinBrown and Lin receive NIH grant
Congratulations to Drs. Susan L. Brown and I-Fen Lin who received an R15 grant from the National Institute on Aging to support their three-year project on Health and Well-being Effects on Later-life Divorce and Subsequent Repartnering.  
Protective factor of high education is not as great in late-life divorces
The New York Times
Brown and Lin find ...the divorce rates of college graduates over 50 are almost as high as those of high school graduates.
Williams makes extraordinary contributions to Department of Sociology


One advantage of the program here is the faculty are definitely available to students, Williams said. (Pictured: Dr. Susan L. Brown and Seth Williams)
As you have probably heard, gray divorce is a thing

The Big Money Mistake Divorcing Women Make


the new york times imageBGSU Sociology Professor Susan L. Brown speaks with The New York Times about The Gray Divorce Revolution and retirement plans have to be careful to get the best settlement you can. Having a really good attorney and fighting for your fair share is one solution.
  • The Gray Divorce Revolution: Rising Divorce among Middle-aged and Older Adults, 1990-2010
BGSU Sociology Professor Kei Nomaguchi finds growing number of dads want to be more physically & emotionally involved in their children's lives

Paternal Parenting: Mentoring counters media messages on fathering

Paternal Parenting: Mentoring counters media messages on fathering
Deseret National News

Bart StykesStykes, Manning, Brown published paper receives Editor's Choice designation by Demographic Research
Doctoral student Bart Stykes and Professors Wendy D. Manning and Susan L. Brown's paper, Nonresident Fathers and Formal Child Support: Evidence from the CPS, NSFG, and SIPP, has been selected as "one of the very best" published papers in Volume 29 of Demographic Research.demographic research
Alvira-Hammond Receives 2014 Adamchak Award

Congratulations to BGSU doctoral student Marta Alvira-Hammond who has earned the 2014 Adamchak Award. Alvira-Hammond was recognized for her outstanding research paper, Fertility Differentials Across Race-Ethnicity and Generational Status: Incorporating Non-Hispanic Immigrants. Established by Donald and Susan Adamchak (both BGSU graduate degree recipients in sociology), this award recognizes a graduate student's research excellence in demography.

BGSU sociologists Susan L. Brown and I-Fen Lin find divorce rate is on the rise among adults 50 and older

Population Association of America

Population Association of America 2014 Annual Meeting

BGSU Presenters and Posters

Knoop and Flynn present research posters at BGSU Undergraduate Research SymposiumKnoop and Flynn
Courtney Knoop (pictured at right with Dr. Ray Swisher) and Ryan Flynn, working with BGSU Sociology Professors Ray Swisher, Danielle Kuhl, and Jorge Chavez on an NIH grant funded project, presented their research at the annual undergraduate symposium. The posters address Neighborhood Change and Violence in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood using Add Health Data to support their research.

Read more onfacebook

Joyner, Manning, and Bogle Earn Top Honors at PAA 2014 Annual Meeting in Boston   

Congratulations to BGSU Associate Professor, NCFMR Research Affiliate, & CFDR Associate Director Kara Joyner, BGSU Distinguished Professor, NCFMR Co-director, & CFDR Director Wendy D. Manning, and BGSU PhD candidate Ryan Bogle who earned first place for their poster presentation Social Context and the Stability of Same-Sex and Different-Sex Relationships.

Brown and Lin find divorce rate for Boomers more than doubled between 1990 and 2010.
"This is not what we anticipated at all, said sociologist Susan L. Brown..."
  • Miami Herald
DeMuth & Nomaguchi Receive 2014 Faculty Excellence Awards
sociology faculty members

Two sociology faculty members were recognized at the 2014 Faculty Excellence Awards Ceremony and Reception. Professor Kei Nomaguchi (l) received the Outstanding Young Scholar Award, and Professor Steve Demuth received the Faculty Distinguished Service Award. Congratulations to both of our outstanding faculty members.

Brown Speaks with The New York Times
Susan L. Brown finds for young people, living together tends to be a transitory arrangement, while for older adults, cohabiting is a long-term alternative to marriage.
Manning leads ASA's same-sex research
  • ASA Amicus Brief supports suit to overturn Virginia's gay marriage ban

LGBT logo image

Lee Speaks on the Limits of Marriage in his Arts and Sciences Distinguished Faculty Lecture

Gary Lee
Dr. Gary Lee discusses "The Limits of Marriage: Why Getting Everyone Married Won't Solve All Our Problems." Additionally, Lee is working on a book about the causes of the declining marriage rate in the US.

Same-Sex Couples: Frontiers in Measurement and Analysis

Sentinel Tribune



Guest speakers:

  • Esther Rothblum, Professor of Women’s Studies at San Diego State University
  • Debra Umberson, Centennial Professor in Liberal Arts and Professor of Sociology at
    University of Texas at Austin
  • Gary J. Gates, Williams Distinguished Scholar at The Williams Institute UCLA School of Law
Why Knot? Where are all those blushing brides?
Balancing Act: Attachment theory connects just as well for married couple
Which couples who 'shack up' will end up divorced? New study pinpoints risk factors
Unmarried Baby Boomers Face Disadvantages as They Grow Older
  • PRB
CPAC 2014, Wisconsin Women Of Style, Gray Divorce
Wisconsin Women Of StyleWisconsin Public Radio
Attachment theory connects just as well for married couple
ASA brief supports efforts to overturn gay-marriage bans
NJ Has Lowest Divorce Rate in the Country (WP-13-03)
Older Americans' Breakups Are Causing A 'Graying' Divorce Trend
Sociologist Susan L. Brown, co-author of the study "Gray Divorce," attributes economic independence of women as one reason for the gray divorce trend. "Back in 1990, fewer than 1 in 10 persons who got divorced was over the age of 50," says Brown. But today, "1 in 4 people getting divorced is 50 or older."

Read Study

Opponents of Same-Sex Marriage Take Bad-for-Children Argument to Court
“Are we going to hold same-sex parents to a different standard than heterosexuals?” Manning asks.
Marriage still the American dream, though a diminishing reality
"We have to keep in mind the importance of a multi-pronged approach," Susan Brown said. “Getting a poor mother to marry a poor man who also has few economic resources is probably not a solution."
Why marriage won't cut your medical bills
Marriage comes with a script and cohabitation doesn’t,” said Susan L. Brown, co-director of the NCFMR at BGSU in the WSJ.
The unique challenges associated with gray divorce
Brown and Lin report finds 1 in every 4 marriages involving at least 1 spouse over age 50 ended in divorce in 2010.
If $800 Million Can't Even Save Marriage, Maybe We Should Stop Trying
New NCFMR research finds the millions spent on programs aimed at marriage and boosting marriage rates have had little discernible impact on marriage or divorce rates.
Why is the federal government in the business of marriage "boosterism?"
Listen LIVE to Wendy D. Manning, BGSU professor of sociology and co-director of the NCFMR, co-author of the study that looks at the effectiveness of the Healthy Marriage Initiative.
Hundreds Of Millions Spent Promoting Marriage Hasn't Helped At All: Study
Federal Funds to Foster Healthy Marriage Have Little Effect, Study Finds
Gary Lee, Guest Editor of a Special Issue on Widowhood and Bereavement
  • Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Why Love Can't Keep Us Together
"We were just floored. We thought older people don't get divorced," says Susan Brown, co-director of the National Center for Marriage & Family Research at Bowling Green State University and co-author of the 2013 study, The Gray Divorce Revolution.
Cultural Changes Spur Rise in Divorce Rate Among Women
NCFMR report finds approximately 15% of women in the U.S. are divorced or separated.
  • Digital Journal
Forum Seeks to Lift Blacks' Education Right From Start
Dr. Susan L. Brown serves as panelist at the Changing Minds, Changing Lives forum on Race and Education -- view action shots of Dr. Brown in the photo gallery!
Living Alone on the Rise, BGSU Study Finds
"Living solo is often ignored as an option in our studies of family life," notes sociologist Dr. Wendy Manning.
  • BGSU Zoom News
How Marriage Can Save Your Life
The Happy State of America's Unions
  • The Chicago Tribune
Nowadays, it's 'Last Comes Marriage'
  • The Chicago Tribune
Congratulations to BGSU Professor of Sociology Dr. Gary Lee, guest editor of a special issue on widowhood and bereavement in the Journals of gerontology

Updated: 12/11/2024 02:05PM