2018 Latino/a/x Issues Conference Schedule

Latino issues conference banner
Artwork by LIC 2018 Keynote Speaker Favianna Rodriguez

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Bowen-Thompson Student Union
Bowling Green State University


Conference Schedule:

All events in BGSU's Bowen-Thompson Student Union

Time Scheduled Activity
8:30 AM Registration table opens - Outside Lenhart Grand Ballroom, 202A Bowen Thompson Student Union
9:00-9:20 AM Opening Session
9:30-10:20 AM

Concurrent panels, workshops, presentations

PANEL:  Studies of Spanish and Indigenous Languages

Nof! Un análisis de la /​f​/ en posición final de palabra como marcador discursivo en el español ecuatoriano
Hannah Jesberger
(BGSU alumni)

Transnational Resource Extraction, Tourism, and Minority Languages in Guatemala
Robert Barnes
(Virginia Tech graduate student, BGSU alumni)

Heritage Language Courses in Columbus, Ohio
Heidi L. Baxter
(educator from Columbus)

PANEL:  Perspectives on Mexican, Mexican-American, and Latino/a/x Cultures, Societies, and Politics

The Mexican-United States border: A Transnational Space Where Women’s Rights are forgotten
Megan Smith
(BGSU graduate student)

Behind the Skull and Candles
Diego Martinez
(BGSU undergraduate student)

Cluster Analysis of Latino/Hispanic Populations and Median Household Income in the United States and Ohio
Valerie Schweizer
(BGSU undergraduate student)

PANEL:  Experiencias de vida, literature and translation

Las manos de mi mamá
Megan Miner
(BGSU undergraduate student)

The Tree
Alysa Pipkin
(BGSUundergraduate student)

Un estudio de caso: la traducción de un poema caribeño
Jacqueline Osborn
(BGSU graduate student)

10:30-11:20 AM

Concurrent panels, workshops, presentations

PANEL:  Shades of Latino: Personal Testimonies of Latino/a/x Students at BGSU

Fahlen Santiago (Latino Student Union Treasurer, BGSU undergraduate student)
Jade Alexis Hernandez
(LSU Vice President, BGSU undergraduate student)
Sadi Troche
(LSU President, BGSU undergraduate student)
Xavi Boes
(LSU Public Relations Chair, BGSU undergraduate student)
Megan Miner
(LSU member, BGSU undergraduate student)
Moderated by: Alexis Schoonard-Saborio (BGSU graduate student)

PANEL:  Representaciones de la mujer en el cine y la literatura hispana

La Mujer Silenciada Dentro de la Máquina Patriarcal
Melody Freeland
(BGSU undergraduate student)

La representación del estatus de mujeres por el cine y la literatura
Savannah Campbell
(BGSU undergraduate student)

La Mirada Masculina sobre la mujer en el Cine Hispano
Essma Kheiry
(BGSU undergraduate student)

Las identidades y características de la representación de mujeres en 4 películas
Micaela Deogracias
(BGSU undergraduate student)

PANEL:  Exploring the Intersections of Art and Activism: Voices from Northwest Ohio (Part I)

Moderator: Prof. Thomas Javier Castillo (Theater and Film, BGSU)
Emanuel H. Enriquez
 (Local Artist)
Emily Aguilar
 (BGSU faculty and Artist)
Taylor Balderas-Burciaga 
(Executive Director, Sofia Quintero Art & Cultural Center)

11:30-1:30 PM Keynote luncheon - Lenhart Grand Ballroom, 202A Bowen Thompson Student Union
1:30-1:50 PM Merchandise Signing and Latino/a/x Issues fair
1:50-2:20 PM

POETRY WORKSHOP:  Poetry in Motion: La Poeta Aya

Alexis O. Schoonard-Saborío (BGSU graduate student)

2:30-3:20 PM

Concurrent panels, workshops, presentations

PANEL:  Insights into Mexican and Latinx Photography, Art and Spirituality

Identity in the Chicano Mural Movement
Julia Ashman
(Christopher Newport University undergraduate student)

Spaces of Spiritual Intimacy: Deities as cultural translators in the Zuni Mission Church
Meg LeMoine
(BGSU graduate student)

Arte latino e identidad: David Maung y Favianna Rodriguez
McKenzie Moss
(BGSU undergraduate student)

PANEL:  Exploring the Intersections of Art and Activism: Voices from Northwest Ohio  (Part II)

Moderator: Prof. Emily Aguilar (Theatre and Film, BGSU)
Francisco Aguilar
 (Local Artist)
Linda Parra
 (Founder-President of Nuestra Gente Community Projects, Inc and Nuestra Gente 96.5  FM)
José Luis Castillo Treviño
 (Local Artist)
Delfina Zapata
 (Local Artist)

3:30-4:20 PM

Concurrent panels, workshops, presentations

PANEL:  Stories of Survival of Immigrants and Migrants

The Human Side of DACA
Anna Collignon
(BGSU undergraduate student)

El Paseo de Muerte: The Unaccompanied Migrant Children of Central America
Savanna Brown
(BGSU undergraduate student)

Migrant Daughter
Arwa Elabd
(BGSU graduate student)

4:30-5:50 PM

Concurrent panels, workshops, presentations

PANEL:  US Latinos/as/x(s) in Higher Education

Nobody’s at the Golden Door: The effect of xenophobia on US university enrollment
Abhijeet Shirsat
(BGSU graduate student)

The Current State of Affairs of Latino Students at BGSU
McKenna Freeman and Carlos
Resstel (BGSU alumni and undergraduate student)

Programas de mentoría: la clave para la retención de los estudiantes latinos en la educación superior
Claudia García
(BGSU graduate student)

El papel de los papás Latinos en el logro de la educación superior de sus hijos/as
Jacqueline Campbell
(BGSU undergraduate student)

6:00-8:00 PM Latino Mixer

Updated: 10/10/2018 10:21AM