Access to CS Classes Shared Folder
CS Classes is a folder that is used in many computer science classes. It can be accessed from any computer connected to the BGSU on-campus network as indicated below.
Access from a Windows system in an instructional lab
From an instructional lab computer, it is only necessary to click on Start, then Programs, then CS Classes. If you are asked for a username and password, use bgsulabs for both username and password.
Access from a Windows system elsewhere on campus
- Open Internet Explorer (you cannot use any other browser for this).
- Type the following in the Address area: \\\cs classes
- If it asks for a username and password, use bgsulabs for both username and password.
- This should open a window showing all the instructors personal folders.
Access from a campus Macintosh system (OS X only)
- Under the Go menu, click on Connect to Server.
- In the Server Address text box type in smb://
- When prompted username should be bgsulabs, password should be bgsulabs. Click OK.
- When the system asks you to select a share, choose CS Classes and click OK. This will put a shortcut to CS Classes on your desktop.
- Double click the CS Classes icon on your desktop to open it and find your instructor's folder.
Updated: 12/01/2017 10:43PM