Budgeting & Resource Planning

Director of Budgeting: Sharon Swartz, sswartz@bgsu.edu, Phone: 419-372-9843

Interim Assistant Budget Director: Amy Thomson, athomso@bgsu.edu, Phone: 419-372-0177

Coordinator of Special Projects: Geof Tracy, gtracy@bgsu.edu, Phone: 419-372-7792

The Budgeting & Resource Planning office of Finance and Administration aspires to develop annual budgets totaling $424 million in state and local funds and, in the process, to assist areas in the identification of potential resources through reallocation or new revenue generation that can be earmarked for new initiatives that will enable the university to become the premier learning community in Ohio, and one of the best in the nation.

Blended Fringe Benefit Rate Q&A

How to Enter and Submit a Budget Transfer

How to Review and Approve a Budget Transfer

Permanent Budget Transfer Request

Updated: 04/10/2024 11:15AM